Whats Chapping my hide.......
Today: The deline of the all american ICEE! Yes, people I said icee. You know squishy,brainfreeze,slush puppie,slurpee,snow with soda on it. Whatever you want to call it, Is chapping my hide today.
Every day I stop at the local AMPM on my lunch break for a cherry Icee, and everyday a new issue. You may be thinking everyday, really? Who is she Brittney Spears? No, I always were shoes inside the store. It is just that it's so freakin hot here that as soon as, Oh forget it, im not making excuses as to why I choose to consume gallons of Slurpee a week! Here is my beef....
Sometimes it's so frozen that you cant get it out of the tap, or it's too warm and it comes out like robatussin,or you cant find a simple flavor like cherry or coke. You can have 50 taps for ICEE and can only find "Mustard Maham", "Mystery Flavor" or "Watermelon Whisky?!" PS: I wouldn't consume any product labled "Mystery" from an AMPM, what the hell, the little red light is always on and you never know what it means, or the idget behind the counter tells you that you cant charge 99 cents on your visa card for a icee. But mainly, this is why Im pissed...
I have put up with the non-approving look of the cashier for weeks apon check out, like im buying heroin or something, but today was the last straw. I go to pump my delicious ICEE and I pull the handle and the freaking thing exploded! No Shit, all over me, so I go up to the idget behing the counter and tell her the machine crapped all over me, and she has the balls to tell me...."It was bound to happen, you have worn that thing out." So not only am I swimming in slushie on my lunch break, but now I have to listen to some wippersnapper make jokes about my snack time rituals. I wanted to kill her! Standing there I started to see RED (probably from the ICEE) whatever, but I looked at her with my half full ICEE and said "Im taking this" and RAN out with my stolen frozen beverage.
Moral to my rant- Icee Man FIX THE GOD DAMNED MACHINE and find a sutiable temperature for it, i dont know, like cold? And lady behind the counter.. SHUT THE HELL UP! your job is taking the money- not giving nutritional advice to patrons of the facility. If you wanted to do that you should have went for a degree in nutrition, and not wasted your money getting your doctorate in WISEGUY at asshole university!
We should start our on SG Slushie Group! anyways, thanks for the story, so funny! My only question is where in the world can u find a good lookin dame at walmart? Or 20 Bucks for that matter, You must have been at the Super Duper Walmart are u sure it wasn't a dream?
It'll never get better.
Crap, I'd move.