So not to be a downer right now, cuz damn I hate negativity. It really is such a waste of time to wallow in that "woah is me" shit. But the wife has been gone for a bit on business and it really sucks crawling into an empty bed. I can remember a time when tryign to sleep next to someone was definitely the bane of my existence. Every turn or movement I could sense, and could just never get to sleep. Now getting into that lonely cold bed without her is just about the worst possible part of my day. Most days I get over it as I am just so effing tired I fall into bed and am out before I even turn off the light. But on those days when I am not quite that tired and I get into an empty bed thats when I miss her most. To quote John Cusack, "I miss her smell". It really is a quirk of human chemistry, to actually be that comfortable midst someone, I mean even on a chemical level. Just wow. It sucks, I need some of her pheromones swirling around my head right now. Other than that I get to go home tomorrow and spend some time riding the bike, very happy about that.

I hate sleeping alone. After sleeping next to someone for 2 years its soo hard. That's why I have dogs.