Still traveling like a rolling stone. I have hit up Germany and Greenand, then went to Alaska. I got to see a fucking moose crossing the street big as shit in down town Anchorage. That was just about the most perfect way to cap off my visit to Anchorage, besides a lap dance or something equally trashy/fun. Now I am in Massachusetts for their first heat wave of the summer, yay go me. Why is it that I either bring the rain or the heat whenever I go somewhere. SOmething deeply freudian about that shit, I am SURE of it. Fuck oh well. My body art is coming along nicely, its too bad the canvas isn't doing the same. Why does my gut have to follow me around and get in the way of me and life. Seriously, its only a 20 pound difference but what a difference 20 pounds makes. Oh well, more to follow. Oh yeah thoughts on some random cutie just friending me.....welll randomly. i have no problems with it what so ever. Oh yeah Yoga rocks, especially when your tattoo artist talks you into going. She rocks as a friend, getting me to do all this new and fun spiritual-esque shit. Hmm, further pondering required.