I haven't had an account for a few year's I've renewed my membership and ordered a second copy of beauty re defined as I don't have my other copy anymore. Maybe I haven't got my head back into the site yet. I really used to think the models sort of spoke through there images and tattoos. Like by trying to find the right poetic words you could almost sort of feel a connection to what each model was trying to say with the imagery that had been created by her and her photographic team and the artists she must of encountered in her life when choosing her body art. I found out about the site when Slash mentioned it on MTV some year's ago. I have what's going on in my own head and my relationship with technology, cultural/tribal identity and social groups. I guess to some people tattoos are just cool art, like the same way some people see sex as just meaningless fun. But I like to think if you choose to wear tattoo art on the canvas of the body then it's better if it has personal meaning. Likewise if you allow somebody into your sacred space for love and affection then it's a connection of trust and maybe sometimes souls. people are free to choose but sometimes less is more. Tink.
Has anyone else considered the theory that covid 19 is a water born pathogen that developed in a camals hump due to it drinking dirty water. that it then somehow infected a fruit bat egg. That the surface proteins are a jacobs ladder transending from acid to alkiline, that the tip's of the surface proteins brke down body tissue as a food source for replication and that the acid tips are able to be transanimated by antiseptic inhillation before the patogen is able to enter the blood streem. I think the mRNA inside the surfacer capsid has a moleculer structure that attracts it to water or blood plasma due to it's chemical makeup. Of the three antibodies that are already given in vaccine in the UK MMR Measiles Mumps Rubela. My net research suggests Rubela is the closests match. If we take the Rubela virus RNA map it then take the map of the Rubela antibody, compare the two genetic squences. Find the part of the code that attracts the antibody to the virus. the starting with the mRNA sequance covid 19 use the Rubela antibody as a template to create a computer model of what the Mcov SARScov antibody should look like. sorry I didn't post this soner it's a few months since I last thought about it.
It makes sense to me it explains the pneumonia symptom also why a dry cough would develop if the blood plasma passing through the avioli was being used as a food source in the virus replication cycle. it's theory I don't have scientific evidence to back it up. I also think that if the virus is present in the lungs then getting the patient to cough on a micoscropy slide would be a way testing how much virus is present. I looked into this at the start of the outbrake sent my sugestions and theories to government, bleached my wall cealings and carpets. I haven't done a bleach for a few months I might do one in the next few day's.