Saturday May 07, 2005 May 7, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm Back. Nuff' Said. VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS myra: Thanks for commenting on my set! Jul 10, 2005 kalidoom: I hope you aren't in jail! Aug 18, 2005
Sunday Sep 26, 2004 Sep 26, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ok, howdy kids. Been a busy busy person lately.. worked almost 70 hours last week and didn't have much time to leave posts or nuffin. I'm glad everyone had a great time at the party and I hope you'll all come visit again. TINY VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS cassie11: I third the motion from Kali Oct 11, 2004 cassie11: Hey man how u been, hope everything is going well since u lost the job and all...drop me a line sometime Nov 8, 2004
Wednesday Aug 25, 2004 Aug 25, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ok.. so I'm having a Party for the SGIndy group. I must of liked you people... LOL VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS kalidoom: Sep 20, 2004 thegoatlord: sounds good to me, Tiny. would really like if you could come though so i could pay ya back for us crashing there Sep 23, 2004
Sunday Aug 22, 2004 Aug 22, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Ok.. never mind figured out how to update journal.. lol TINY VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS tinius: actually nope.. no ozzfest for me.. gotta work. & Thanks.. I'm actually pretty famous for my Utilikilts... TINY Aug 24, 2004 thegoatlord: you wouldve hated it, there were hardly any mosh pits this year.. Aug 25, 2004
Monday Aug 16, 2004 Aug 15, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Well, I made it. YAY!!! VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS kalidoom: You and Kim are the coolest EVER! Can't wait to chill with you guys again 8) Aug 21, 2004 tinius: Ok.. how the fuck do I add a new journal entry.. someone HELP!!!! TINY Aug 22, 2004