so apparently, mango-habanero pork has slightly hallucinogenic properties. after a nice little kabob cookout yesterday it was off to dreamland where there was some strange shit going on. my dreams mostly consisted of myself and adam west learning to sew from an elderly chinese woman living in a ramshackle little hut. i never realized west was such a brown noser until last night. (show off.)
More Blogs
Monday May 22, 2006
the apartment search is officially on!! i'm looking for a place over… -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
update time!! woo-hoo!! 1. had a yard sale over the weekend and … -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
a quick rundown of the past week: -had a great three day weekend f… -
Saturday Mar 18, 2006
this has been one shitty week. since friday of last week i've had st… -
Wednesday Mar 08, 2006
another day off and nothing to do. i really shouldn't say that but t… -
Tuesday Jan 31, 2006
trying to look for a new job really sucks. i need something with bet… -
Monday Dec 12, 2005
finals are finally over and i'll soon have my associates degree. tim… -
Saturday Oct 15, 2005
today she fully realized what i had been telling her all along......i… -
Thursday Sep 01, 2005
i bought new shoes today with the gummint money from my schoolin'. … -
Thursday Aug 18, 2005
i've been having sex with this girl for three months. last night she…