it's officially the end of my third week in art school. things are going really well so far. the amount of homework i have to do seems rather insane at times but i get through it. i've been having a lot of fun with the whole thing. it feels like a second chance at living. and i mean really living, not just existing. although, the...
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decided to come back to the fold after a brief intermission.
classes start back tomorrow. a little nervous, but excited at the same time. i'm gonna be in class with a bunch of freshman that are almost half my age, so that's gonna be a little weird. i am looking forward to finally moving into a happier part of my life, working toward finally being...
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classes start back tomorrow. a little nervous, but excited at the same time. i'm gonna be in class with a bunch of freshman that are almost half my age, so that's gonna be a little weird. i am looking forward to finally moving into a happier part of my life, working toward finally being...
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this is my official goodbye to you SG. it's been an interesting couple of years but it's time for us to call it quits. things are changing and i'm rolling with the punches.
see ya round, space cowboy.
p.s. guess who got his acceptance letter today??? this guy!!

see ya round, space cowboy.
p.s. guess who got his acceptance letter today??? this guy!!

yes!! had a wonderfully creative weekend. went down home to little ol' columbia, nc to attend an altered book workshop. quite a few talented artists were there doing there own thing. nothing was structured so it was more like a free-for-all open studio kind of thing. all the finished pieces will be placed in an exhibit that starts this weekend. i ended up finishing one...
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this week has been a bit of a mixed bag. things at work have been either really good or really bad. plus it seems i'm on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. i'm sometimes happy, sometimes morose. the number of days where i think about the ex at some point are fewer in number than they were, but those thoughts still creep up and...
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last night i had one of the greatest experiences of my life. a friend of mine had gotten hold of a couple tabs of X and was waiting for a good time to take them so we figured this weekend would be good since he didn't have to work and i wasn't doing anything. we started the night going out to dinner and just talking...
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back from a night out at the pub. an ok night. there wasn't anyone i really knew there until later on in the evening so i mainly just sat there drinking this great amber called 'celtic ale' that's on draft right now. listened and chimed in on the odd conversation every now and then. didn't have any good conversation until jett showed up. things were...
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brrr...just got back from a chilly afternoon walk. the whole way down to the park the wind was blowing right in my face making my ears feel like little icicles on the side of my head. thankfully i was wearing my hoodie and could cover up for the return trip.
last night's movie watching was fun. had a couple friends over and we watched 'the...
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last night's movie watching was fun. had a couple friends over and we watched 'the...
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tonight was a very good night at the pub. any night that culminates with the birthday for a guy named thor is bound to be good. sat around and chatted with a couple of the bartenders. it was good to talk to them on the other side of the bar for once. had a few drinks with a rather stunning, well endowed red head, but...
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last nights beer tasting went well, though it would have been better if it had only been about 10 degrees warmer. found a couple new beers to drink (new to me anyway). Abita Amber and Dixie Dark Voodoo Lager. Good stuff.
tonight i went out with some friends to the new korean bbq restaurant that opened up recently. the selection of food is a little...
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tonight i went out with some friends to the new korean bbq restaurant that opened up recently. the selection of food is a little...
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