I would like to pose a philosophical question to all of you out there in SG land.
Would you rather...
A) Be an out of work actor working at a second job as a waiter in a two bit restaurant and not having any acting credits to speak of under your belt .
B) Be an actor with a nationally televised commercial which millions...
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Would you rather...
A) Be an out of work actor working at a second job as a waiter in a two bit restaurant and not having any acting credits to speak of under your belt .
B) Be an actor with a nationally televised commercial which millions...
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Verrry interesting..... I think I'll take "Likes their job, and has a good time" Yeah, that's me
I'll take the herpes guy. Good for some laughs!
I went and saw Grindhouse today . Kind of a mixed bag , but I still highly recommend it just for Robert Rodriguez's flick "Planet Terror" . He really hit a home run with this homage to crappy B horror movies . A cliche'd but solid plot , Loads of gore , purposefully bad dialogue and over-acting , even a few intentional film breaks and...
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How the hell can it be 80 degrees and sunny one day and then the very next day it's 30 degrees and snowing????? Screw you Al Gore and your bullshit global warming . You are a dirty dirty liar .
You ever have that one friend that always gets you to do stupid shit that you would never normally do? Well , I have three of those friends . Apparently they're all conspiring to destroy my liver . They all seem to ask me to go hang out at the bar with them on different nights . Sometimes everybody meets up at one time for...
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There are a couple of things vexing me right now . Well , there are actually a LOT of things that vex me , but I can only address a few at a time . The list is as follows...
Things that piss me off Pt. 3,954,000
1) Assholes who insist on having a car with those super bright halogen headlights . Do you really...
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Things that piss me off Pt. 3,954,000
1) Assholes who insist on having a car with those super bright halogen headlights . Do you really...
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im decently acclimated like kudzu
well not as prolific i just like to say kudzu really
how's pgh? how's ikea? hey i got an ikea near me here too!
well not as prolific i just like to say kudzu really
how's pgh? how's ikea? hey i got an ikea near me here too!
Thanks for the comment on my "Revolution" set!
I'm chillin in Charlotte,NC for a week and I gots to say that I do NOT miss the cold-ass wintery weather back home . It was warm,sunny and 63 effin degrees today . Suck it Jack Frost!!!
I'm house sitting for my sister who went on a cruise with her boyfriend . I get to hold down the fort and deal with her three maniacal...
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I'm house sitting for my sister who went on a cruise with her boyfriend . I get to hold down the fort and deal with her three maniacal...
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Hello Foily! Having fun? I have 2 monstrous cats. It makes life hard, that's for sure. So when is this drinking convention happening? Unfortunately, I am taking a break from the booze. Am I lame or what?? I just can't hang anymore! I get bad hangovers after a measly 3 or 4 beers. Me= old.
That was a beautiful link.....
I have a couple of un-related things that I'd like to lay out there for all you cats and kittens . Here we go...
First and foremost , I would like to extend a giant "Washington Monument Sized" middle finger to my high school guidance counsellor who said that I would never ammount to anything , and would never be able to do great things...
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First and foremost , I would like to extend a giant "Washington Monument Sized" middle finger to my high school guidance counsellor who said that I would never ammount to anything , and would never be able to do great things...
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I am here tonight to publicly condemn one of the most horrible inventions to ever be conceived of by man . No , not the atomic bomb , although I'm not very fond of that one either . Not even the steam powered kitten cannon (SO many squished kitties...THE HORROR. ). No sir and/or madam , I'm talking about those "Hands Free" cell phone thingy-ma-jiggies...
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I operate according to my own rules not according to what the maid union says...fuck them! fuck everybody! let's start a non-unionized maid revolt!!!!!!
I for one am SICK AND TIRED of winter . Sick of the snow. Sick of the ice. Sick of the cold . Sick,sick,sick!!!!!
Why won't somebody pull the plug on Old Man Winter's respirator ? Where is global warming now? It's a menace when it's all hot and shit out , but when it's cold and we WANT a little global warming suddenly it's...
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Why won't somebody pull the plug on Old Man Winter's respirator ? Where is global warming now? It's a menace when it's all hot and shit out , but when it's cold and we WANT a little global warming suddenly it's...
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hillarious!!! thanks!!! yeah I wish...
I saw the most AMAZING video in the world the other day . Coincidentally it was on The World's Most Amazing Videos . Go figure . Normally these shows are such incredible let-downs . Some fucktard gets too close to an animal cage and gets a piece of his ass bitten off...yawn . Some air show ends in fiery disaster...again . Some idiot criminal gets...
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