This journal entry iss going to be just completely bizarre . I just got awakened out of a deep sleep after having this wacked out dream , so I might not be making the most sense . Normally my dreams are just jumbles of unrelated images and shit that play out like a badly edited movie in my head and then I immediately forget them . This one was different . I awoke with complete clarity of what I just saw , and I also felt like I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep until I wrote this shit out for whatever reason . I guess first I should get a couple of details that are integral to the overall story out of the way . In reality I am both a HUGE comic book fan , and a single dude . Those two elements seem important to explain this weird-ass dream . Notthat I'm really even trying to explain it . But...whatever . Here it is...
The dream consistted of me and one other person . A woman . This wasn't really any woman that I knew , but at the same time she seemed familiar , almost like an amalgam of ALL the women that I knew all in one body . Her and I were working on a comic book together . She supplied the words and I supplied the pictures . We had apparently been working on our greatest project and had just finished . We both sat there looking at it and it was...perfect . It was THE most perfect thing EVER . Her words were complemented by my images and vise versa in the most beautiful way imaginable . It was something rare . Something magical . We both looked at this thing that we had created and there was a strange sort of telepathic conversation going on between us . We both were thinking " I wish the two of us were this perfect together in REAL life " . Somehow we both knew that we could never be that perfect though . We both desperately wanted to be , but it just wasn't meant to be . So we sat there...together . We took the other's hand and just looked at this creation we had wrought . It was something that would bring the rest of the world great joy , but we could never feel that same joy . So we sat there in silence . The feeling was just the most peculiar feeling . We were both completely satisfied that we had finally finished this masterwork , but at the same time we were both feeling completely empty . It was sort of like if you had just finished the most delicious , most PERFECT meal that you had ever had or WOULD ever have , but you were already feeling hungry again . You knew that nothing else could ever feed that hunger in the same way , and it was maddening . We both desperately wished that we could somehow translate this ability to perfectly complenment the other that we possessed in our craft in our real lives with each other , but we both knew it was pointless to try . That feeling of beautiful sadness was the most amazing and painful feeling in the world . To share an ability to work so perfectly together on one plane , but be completely incompatible on another was just...tragic. So we just sat there holding hands in silence , in joyous emptiness . Proud of one creation , but torn apart by an inability to create something else .
And then I woke up . That feeling just stuck with me and I felt like maybe if I wrote all of it down it would go away . It sort of has , but it's still partially there kind of stuck in my subconscious . That was some weird shit . Hopefully this entry wasn't too emo or sappy . I guess it was more for my benefit than for your reading pleasure . If there are any amateur dream analists out there , feel free to have a go at it . You'll probably come up with the same thing I did , but I'd be interested in hearing it anyway . I'm starting to feel tired again , so I guess the exorcism worked . Next journal entry will be all monkeys and midgets...promise . 'Night .
The dream consistted of me and one other person . A woman . This wasn't really any woman that I knew , but at the same time she seemed familiar , almost like an amalgam of ALL the women that I knew all in one body . Her and I were working on a comic book together . She supplied the words and I supplied the pictures . We had apparently been working on our greatest project and had just finished . We both sat there looking at it and it was...perfect . It was THE most perfect thing EVER . Her words were complemented by my images and vise versa in the most beautiful way imaginable . It was something rare . Something magical . We both looked at this thing that we had created and there was a strange sort of telepathic conversation going on between us . We both were thinking " I wish the two of us were this perfect together in REAL life " . Somehow we both knew that we could never be that perfect though . We both desperately wanted to be , but it just wasn't meant to be . So we sat there...together . We took the other's hand and just looked at this creation we had wrought . It was something that would bring the rest of the world great joy , but we could never feel that same joy . So we sat there in silence . The feeling was just the most peculiar feeling . We were both completely satisfied that we had finally finished this masterwork , but at the same time we were both feeling completely empty . It was sort of like if you had just finished the most delicious , most PERFECT meal that you had ever had or WOULD ever have , but you were already feeling hungry again . You knew that nothing else could ever feed that hunger in the same way , and it was maddening . We both desperately wished that we could somehow translate this ability to perfectly complenment the other that we possessed in our craft in our real lives with each other , but we both knew it was pointless to try . That feeling of beautiful sadness was the most amazing and painful feeling in the world . To share an ability to work so perfectly together on one plane , but be completely incompatible on another was just...tragic. So we just sat there holding hands in silence , in joyous emptiness . Proud of one creation , but torn apart by an inability to create something else .
And then I woke up . That feeling just stuck with me and I felt like maybe if I wrote all of it down it would go away . It sort of has , but it's still partially there kind of stuck in my subconscious . That was some weird shit . Hopefully this entry wasn't too emo or sappy . I guess it was more for my benefit than for your reading pleasure . If there are any amateur dream analists out there , feel free to have a go at it . You'll probably come up with the same thing I did , but I'd be interested in hearing it anyway . I'm starting to feel tired again , so I guess the exorcism worked . Next journal entry will be all monkeys and midgets...promise . 'Night .

Wow, your dreams seem to be a lot more poigniant and meaningful than mine.