This weekend I went back to the old hometown for one of my bestest friend's weddings . Imagine wearing a T-shirt , long sleeve dress shirt , vest , and black tuxedo jacket in 95 DEGREE WEATHER !!!! The reception hall wasn't air conditioned either .
Catholic ceremonies always baffle me . Stand up , sit down , stand up , kneel , sit down , stand up ,'s like theopposite of the old Native American custom for prisoners of war . They'd make them run through a "gauntlet" of tribal warriors who beat them with war clubs . If they survived , they were allowed to be set free . We had an "Old School" priest too . He was like a wedding nazi . He scolded one girl for making a beeping noise on her cell phone while trying to turn it off DURING THE REHEARSAL !!!!
I did my part fairly well . No tripping or running down the aisle to high five the groom . I did make ONE little faux pas though . I was a little hungry because I hadn't eaten before the ceremony , so I went up for communion ( Even though I'm NOT Catholic ) . I then asked if they had any spray cheese or peanut butter for my "body of Christ " , cause it was a little bland . They frown on that apparently .
P.S. I discoveredtwo things while playing softball this weekend . (1) I play worse than very small children (2) If I remain in direct sunlight for more than fifteen minutes I WILL burn . Stupid sun and its stupid ultra violet rays!!!!!
( I chose that particular "Smiley" 'cause I'm both pissed off for getting sunburned , and because I presently am the same exat color as him . )
Catholic ceremonies always baffle me . Stand up , sit down , stand up , kneel , sit down , stand up ,'s like theopposite of the old Native American custom for prisoners of war . They'd make them run through a "gauntlet" of tribal warriors who beat them with war clubs . If they survived , they were allowed to be set free . We had an "Old School" priest too . He was like a wedding nazi . He scolded one girl for making a beeping noise on her cell phone while trying to turn it off DURING THE REHEARSAL !!!!
I did my part fairly well . No tripping or running down the aisle to high five the groom . I did make ONE little faux pas though . I was a little hungry because I hadn't eaten before the ceremony , so I went up for communion ( Even though I'm NOT Catholic ) . I then asked if they had any spray cheese or peanut butter for my "body of Christ " , cause it was a little bland . They frown on that apparently .
P.S. I discoveredtwo things while playing softball this weekend . (1) I play worse than very small children (2) If I remain in direct sunlight for more than fifteen minutes I WILL burn . Stupid sun and its stupid ultra violet rays!!!!!