I've gotta' tell you what I did at work tonight . ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!! HA!!!! My job has finally almost become cool . It's still completely mind numbing and meaningless , but now it's more tolerable . After about five years of it sucking crusty wildebeast cock , it's about time . You see , my store needed additional warehouse space to stockpile it's crappy products , so they bought an external building across the street from the main store . This is where I'm working now . It's great because most of the manager's officese and shit are at the other building , so they're NEVER at our building . Essentially the peons run the place , Funny thing is , the peons are running it so well that the managers have no need to ever go over there . Sooooo...tonight it was myself and two other guys working over there . We started out the evening by figuring out that the hatch that leads to the building's roof was unlocked . So of course we HAD to go up there . We fucked about for awhile up there and decided that since we probably wouldn't get to go up there very often and should leave some sort of record of our being there . So for the next hour or so we tried to design a flag to plant up there . The winning design was a huge middle finger . We decided that making a flag was too much work , so we decided to play cards . Which we did for another hour or so . The one guy's girlfriend showed up in mid-game and went to Starbucks to get us refreshments . We really didn't do a goddamn thing ALL night , except come up with this brilliant insight . If men's penises were on the opposite side of their body they would be called penasses . Yep...life is sweet .
It's only bestiality if the swan reports the abuse.
whoah i need your job. any job really