The entire neighbourhood is COVERED with snow!!!! What a shitty" welcome back" for me .
Florida was pretty nice . I didn't really DO anything . Just chilled out with the fam . The highlight was when my sister and I donned our Stillers jerseys and went to the local sports bar on Sunday to watch the game . We fully expected to get , at the very least , harrassed by rowdy Buckaneer fans . Nope . There was a whole SECTION of Steelers fans , complete with "Terrible Towels" sitting on one side of the bar . The two Jets fans that were there got a severe taunting . There WERE no Buckaneer fans .
Funny stuff that happened...
Ate at an old 50's style eatery called "Mel's Diner" . Some of you might be old enough to know why that's funny .
We ordered pizza one night . The driver arrived in a pimped out car with rap music bumping . The driver was not black , as my mom thought from hearing the music rattling the windows from outside . The driver was not Italian , which was what I thought as he was working at a place called "Mama Mia's Pizzaria" . He was Chinese??? He also gave us a coupon for Tae Kwon Do classes with our pizza . True story .
I saw a group of elderly people riding scooters down the street . This made me laugh hysterically as it reminded me of the episode of Seinfeld where George tricks his boss into buying him a scooter for his "handicap" and winds up getting harassed by a "scooter gang" of elderly thugs .
When we arrived in the land of the ancient and blue haired , we got off the plane and there was an entire FLEET of wheelchairs sitting there waiting for the wrinkled butt's of the elderly passengers. There was FIFTEEN . I counted them .
At the request of the nice old lady who was working at the snack counter in the Clearwater airport (It's VERY samll) , I had to "MacGuyver" the little gate that secured it closed back open . The latch was stuck , so I had to jimmy the thing open with a ball point pen and some lock picking skills that I shall not reveal the sources of . The ironic thing was that MacGuyver was actually ON the TV as I was performing the mission. I was listening to the theme music and thinking " This has got to be one of the WEIRDEST goddamn things that has ever happened to me " .
Well...I gots to be going . Need to gets me some eatins' and then probably pass out on my couch . I had to wake up at 5:00am to catch the shuttle to the airport this morning . so sleepy . Me slumber LONG time .
Florida was pretty nice . I didn't really DO anything . Just chilled out with the fam . The highlight was when my sister and I donned our Stillers jerseys and went to the local sports bar on Sunday to watch the game . We fully expected to get , at the very least , harrassed by rowdy Buckaneer fans . Nope . There was a whole SECTION of Steelers fans , complete with "Terrible Towels" sitting on one side of the bar . The two Jets fans that were there got a severe taunting . There WERE no Buckaneer fans .
Funny stuff that happened...
Ate at an old 50's style eatery called "Mel's Diner" . Some of you might be old enough to know why that's funny .
We ordered pizza one night . The driver arrived in a pimped out car with rap music bumping . The driver was not black , as my mom thought from hearing the music rattling the windows from outside . The driver was not Italian , which was what I thought as he was working at a place called "Mama Mia's Pizzaria" . He was Chinese??? He also gave us a coupon for Tae Kwon Do classes with our pizza . True story .
I saw a group of elderly people riding scooters down the street . This made me laugh hysterically as it reminded me of the episode of Seinfeld where George tricks his boss into buying him a scooter for his "handicap" and winds up getting harassed by a "scooter gang" of elderly thugs .
When we arrived in the land of the ancient and blue haired , we got off the plane and there was an entire FLEET of wheelchairs sitting there waiting for the wrinkled butt's of the elderly passengers. There was FIFTEEN . I counted them .
At the request of the nice old lady who was working at the snack counter in the Clearwater airport (It's VERY samll) , I had to "MacGuyver" the little gate that secured it closed back open . The latch was stuck , so I had to jimmy the thing open with a ball point pen and some lock picking skills that I shall not reveal the sources of . The ironic thing was that MacGuyver was actually ON the TV as I was performing the mission. I was listening to the theme music and thinking " This has got to be one of the WEIRDEST goddamn things that has ever happened to me " .
Well...I gots to be going . Need to gets me some eatins' and then probably pass out on my couch . I had to wake up at 5:00am to catch the shuttle to the airport this morning . so sleepy . Me slumber LONG time .
Okay. That Empire strikes back story made me laugh, you win.
there's this old style diner in LA called Mel's where a bunch of famous people hang out and they have shitty kareoke. i saw kirk hammet from metallica there once and i tried to take a sneaky picture but just ended up with a picture of my friend stuffing a chicken sandwich in her face.