You know what I hate? Well, if you've payed attention to any of my previous blogs, you probably do. Prepare yourself for another one of your Uncle Tinfoil's fancy good time hate filled diatribes.
I was just at the grocery store, and at the checkout line I saw a trash rag magazine with the front cover story "Patrick Swayze's Courageous Battle Against Cancer" . First of all, Swayze's the shit. He was in the heartwarming cinematic gem Roadhouse and the family classic Red Dawn. I have no problems with the dude, and I wish him the best of luck. What I DO have a problem with is sappy bullshit about some celebritie's courageous fight against _________ . Seriously, what's the alternative to battling cancer? You just lay down and die. NOBODY is going to just give up if they have a chance to get better. So why is this battle so much more courageous than the battle that anybody else fought against cancer?
I'll tell you what was courageous. When Patrick Swayze infiltrated a town full of Communist soldiers and fought against incredible odds to sabotage their war efforts and give his friends a chance to escape . Then he carried his dead brother, Charlie Sheen, back through that same Commie infested countryside to take his body back to the rebel encampment for a proper American burial. THAT, my friends, is courage. Or how about when he fought a karate kicking psycho who proudly admitted that he used to "fuck guys like him in prison". THAT for damn sure is courage. Possibly even starring in a movie with Meatloaf as your co-star. THAT takes a certain kind of courage.
Fighting cancer pretty much involves doctors pumping you full of drugs and you trying to stay positive and do what they tell you to do. THAT isn't necessarily courage, THAT is survival. Is it courageous when somebody trips and falls in a swimming pol and then struggles to get out before they drown? Is it courageous when somebody is in a car wreck and hangs on until an ambulance comes to save them? That is simply not wanting to die. I'm pretty sure that courage is something different. There are days when I feel like just stepping out in front of a speeding bus, but I don't. Does that make me a hero? No, I'm just like everybody else out there. And so is one Patrick "Steel Dawn" Swayze. Don't get me wrong here folks. I truly hope that Patrick pulls through and makes a full recovery because I, much like the rest of the civilized world, still dreams of a day when somebody will have the good sense to make Point Break 2 : The Extreme !!!!!

I was just at the grocery store, and at the checkout line I saw a trash rag magazine with the front cover story "Patrick Swayze's Courageous Battle Against Cancer" . First of all, Swayze's the shit. He was in the heartwarming cinematic gem Roadhouse and the family classic Red Dawn. I have no problems with the dude, and I wish him the best of luck. What I DO have a problem with is sappy bullshit about some celebritie's courageous fight against _________ . Seriously, what's the alternative to battling cancer? You just lay down and die. NOBODY is going to just give up if they have a chance to get better. So why is this battle so much more courageous than the battle that anybody else fought against cancer?
I'll tell you what was courageous. When Patrick Swayze infiltrated a town full of Communist soldiers and fought against incredible odds to sabotage their war efforts and give his friends a chance to escape . Then he carried his dead brother, Charlie Sheen, back through that same Commie infested countryside to take his body back to the rebel encampment for a proper American burial. THAT, my friends, is courage. Or how about when he fought a karate kicking psycho who proudly admitted that he used to "fuck guys like him in prison". THAT for damn sure is courage. Possibly even starring in a movie with Meatloaf as your co-star. THAT takes a certain kind of courage.
Fighting cancer pretty much involves doctors pumping you full of drugs and you trying to stay positive and do what they tell you to do. THAT isn't necessarily courage, THAT is survival. Is it courageous when somebody trips and falls in a swimming pol and then struggles to get out before they drown? Is it courageous when somebody is in a car wreck and hangs on until an ambulance comes to save them? That is simply not wanting to die. I'm pretty sure that courage is something different. There are days when I feel like just stepping out in front of a speeding bus, but I don't. Does that make me a hero? No, I'm just like everybody else out there. And so is one Patrick "Steel Dawn" Swayze. Don't get me wrong here folks. I truly hope that Patrick pulls through and makes a full recovery because I, much like the rest of the civilized world, still dreams of a day when somebody will have the good sense to make Point Break 2 : The Extreme !!!!!

Yea, I looked at my friends list the other day, and saw two people that I actually typed more than 5 words to - you being one of them. Thought I'd drop by and say hi. Anything fun and exciting going on in your life?