When somebody in the movies needs to acquire certain "not quite legal" items, they always seem to go straight to the local "Black Market" dealers. The thing is, these shady dealers don't advertise, right? so how the hell do they find them? What if I'm having a beef with my next door neighbor because he's playing his Tony Orlando records too loud and I want to buy a couple of white phosphorous grenades to reduce his home to smoking ruins and teach the other people in the surrounding community a lesson? A reasonable request,right? I have NO idea where to purchase such things. They damn sure don't have them at the local Target or JC Penneys. I checked. So what's the average dude to do when he needs military grade weaponry, dangerous narcotic substances, or just a simple white slave? I think that the black market should make flyers or something that come in the mail with all of the other crap from Pottery Barn, Pizza Hut, and Wal Mart. "Oh look honey, they're having a special this weekend on the new Stinger surface to air missile launching system and human livers at The Black Market. We should look into that. You know how much you drink. You could use a new liver. And who COULDN'T use a anti aircraft missile delivery unit?" It just makes good business sense. Plus it would provide the average Joe an opportunity to get all of those things that, in the past, only your hot shot warlords and despots could get their hands on. Maybe some people are thinking " If every suburban family has an M-60 heavy assault rifle in their garage, won't that lead to more violence and death. The answer is YES. But only for awhile. Once EVERYBODY has dangerous high tech weapons, things will even out as a blissful state of "Mexican Stand-Off-ery" sinks in. You won't want to strafe Herb Smith's garage with 7.62mm armor piercing rounds if you know that Herb's got his 40mm grenade launcher trained on your quaint little domicile, now would you? Heck, no!!!! So , what's the harm? Let's see if we can get this big shiny ball of destruction rolling. For a better life for EVERYBODY...with guns and explosives.
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