So I'm going to Portland,OR for two glorious weeks on June 17th. If I'm not mistaken, Portland used to be the home of SG back in the old days didn't it? Anyway, I've never been there and don't know too much about the area. Anybody ever been? Got any useful tips or suggestions? The only two things that I planned on doing were (A) Tormenting any nearby Seattle Seahawks fans about their Super Bowl loss to our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers a couple years back. AND (B) Trying to go out in to the mountains and search for Bigfoot. He's out there, people. You know it and I know it. I think that he just hasn't been approached properly. I'll offer him some beer and a bucket of chicken and we'll chat about important social and political topics . Most people think he's just a big dumb animal, but I think that he actually just got sick of human society and decided that living out in the woods was a better alternative. Hell, I might just stay out there with him . Pretty soon you're going to see a mysterious hairy creature roaming the wilds of the Pacific Northwest on a grainy home video and as the creature shambles off into the forest he will turn briefly to look back into the camera...and flip it the bird. That creature will be me.

i think it has the highest % of strip clubs
go to all of them and give us a full report
or at least keep going to em till your broke