I went and saw Grindhouse today . Kind of a mixed bag , but I still highly recommend it just for Robert Rodriguez's flick "Planet Terror" . He really hit a home run with this homage to crappy B horror movies . A cliche'd but solid plot , Loads of gore , purposefully bad dialogue and over-acting , even a few intentional film breaks and stuff . Also it renewed my love for Rose McGowan . SOOOOOOOOOO HOT . Strangely enough , even moreso with a big ass machine gun for a leg . Thoroughly entertaining and worth the price of admission all on its own . This movie even made Jeff Fahey look good ( If you know who I'm talking about when I say Jeff Fahey , welcome...to the dorky movie nerd super awsomely sad club.) THEN...you add in the hilarious "trailers" and you've get MORE than your money's worth . BUT...Q.T.'s movie "Deathproof" was such a colossal disappointment . The first 1/2 hour was okay . Interesting concept , some cute girls , and Kurt Motherfucking Russell in a souped up muscle car . Sounds like a winner , right? After that first 1/2 hour though...the movie just nosedives into complete and total boring-ass crap . If you go see this movie , do yourself a favor . Leave the theatre after the first major car wreck fro Deathproof and you will be SO much happier . Trust your Uncle Tinfoil . Now go see the first two hours or so of Grindhouse and rejoice in the guilty pleasure .
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