How the hell can it be 80 degrees and sunny one day and then the very next day it's 30 degrees and snowing????? Screw you Al Gore and your bullshit global warming . You are a dirty dirty liar .
More Blogs
Tuesday May 30, 2006
My good computer should be back amongst the living in another week . … -
Thursday May 18, 2006
My new-ish computer ( Only two years old ) just melted down on me . … -
Tuesday May 09, 2006
I would like to share an excerpt from a conversation that I had with … -
Wednesday May 03, 2006
Over the course of one weekend I found out that... * I really suck… -
Tuesday Apr 25, 2006
I finally got my lazy ass out on the bike trail last week . Even thou… -
Sunday Apr 16, 2006
If any of you have been around long enough to hear me complain about … -
Monday Apr 10, 2006
To all of the people who dropped off your free pie requests in my las… -
Sunday Apr 02, 2006
Fuck it . Who wants pie ? I'm buying . -
Thursday Mar 30, 2006
The war for my apartment is finally over!!! The ants have been defeat… -
Saturday Mar 25, 2006
BATTLE LOG : DAY 4 My Dearest SG , I think about you often . I th…