Is anybody else confused by this new SG setup ? I just now , RIGHT now , figured out how to check out my bookmarked friends journals without actually clicking on there names in my friends list . We fear change .
I'm watching Friday the 13th part five on TV right now . This one sucks more than most of them , and a lot of them REALLY sucked . It's because of the whole situation . There's this home for mentally troubled kids out in the middle of the woods . Now , the way they help these kids is to just let them run around doing whatever they want . O-kay??? Here's where they lost me . The one kid who was in there because he saw a bunch of people get hacked up by Jason and then in turn stuck a machete in Jason's head , is unpacking his stuff and he pulls out this huge fucking knife from his backpack and sticks it under his bed????? What kind of security do they have at this place ? What's worse , he was transfererred there from a "State Hospital" . Were they administering "Stabbing Therapy" to him there? Where the hell did he even get that knife???? THEN...they let another disturbed kid with obvious anger management issues chop wood with a fucking AXE???? Why not take them on a field trip to the chainsaw manufacturers ? Why not have shotgun and tequila night at the old loony bin ? Seriously , Jason wouldn't even need to show up in this movie at all because all of these kids would be dead by about fifteen minutes in from killing each other . Maybe the people running this place were in cahoots with big J . I don't know which one is more ridiculous , the plot of this movie or the fact that I just said "cahoots" . I give up .
I'm watching Friday the 13th part five on TV right now . This one sucks more than most of them , and a lot of them REALLY sucked . It's because of the whole situation . There's this home for mentally troubled kids out in the middle of the woods . Now , the way they help these kids is to just let them run around doing whatever they want . O-kay??? Here's where they lost me . The one kid who was in there because he saw a bunch of people get hacked up by Jason and then in turn stuck a machete in Jason's head , is unpacking his stuff and he pulls out this huge fucking knife from his backpack and sticks it under his bed????? What kind of security do they have at this place ? What's worse , he was transfererred there from a "State Hospital" . Were they administering "Stabbing Therapy" to him there? Where the hell did he even get that knife???? THEN...they let another disturbed kid with obvious anger management issues chop wood with a fucking AXE???? Why not take them on a field trip to the chainsaw manufacturers ? Why not have shotgun and tequila night at the old loony bin ? Seriously , Jason wouldn't even need to show up in this movie at all because all of these kids would be dead by about fifteen minutes in from killing each other . Maybe the people running this place were in cahoots with big J . I don't know which one is more ridiculous , the plot of this movie or the fact that I just said "cahoots" . I give up .
Right-o. We've been posting back and forth through the entire duration of my membership on SG-- and its quite a shock to read all the changes that I've gone through. It makes me feel very humbled that SOME people have stuck around to witness it all (though maybe not firsthand). And to be perfectly honest-- I'm not going anywhere. I hope you're not either.
I still hate this new layout. It's stinks. This layout makes me think of easter. And I hate easter!!!!