The war for my apartment is finally over!!! The ants have been defeated and my apartment belongs to me once again. The little bastards put up a terrific struggle , but in the end it was good old man made poisonous chemicals which became the deciding factor . After I figured out where they were coming from I made one last guerilla assault on their stronghold . I went in John Woo style with a can of bug killer in each hand . They tried to fight back , but they are very tiny and were easily squashed . Even the black widows who teamed up with them were disgusted by the way their ranks broke and they abandoned them in mid-battle . Once again...never trust a black widow . Finally , after massive bombardments of toxic chemicals , the ants were no more . So I would like to give my thanks to poison . Killing is your business , and business is good .

So I take it that Black Wind guy wasn't much a help?
You know what I'm craving? A wholesome and delicious new Badass Brawl. Gimme, gimme gimme!