This is kind of an add-on to one of the ramblings that I had in my last journal . First of all, Catholics...don't be mad at me . Your traditions are odd , and your rules make no sense . That's not my fault , I just pick up on the nonsense and point it out .
Here's the latest . This whole "No meat on Friday thing . " What's that all about ? I realise that it has some connection to Jesus making a bunch of fish or somesuch wackiness . Here's the thing CAN'T eat meat , but you CAN eat fish????? Uhhhh....I'm no biologist here , but isn't fish meat ? I mean I've never come across a Salmon tree before in all of my wanderings . You can't plant a damn bass , can you ? So if it's not a plant and it IS alive doesn't that kinda' make it meat of some sort ? I've had this same argument with a vegetarian friend of mine who eats fish , but not "meat" . BULLSHIT!!!! As with most of my arguments , I will let BEARS decide the outcome . Bears are carnivores . Carnivores eat meat . Bears LOVE fish . Therefore fish constitutes meat . The end . If you have any disagreement with this assesment , please take it up with the nearest bear . They will be happy to settle this in true bear style . With cold animal logic and sharp pointy teeth . Enjoy .
Here's the latest . This whole "No meat on Friday thing . " What's that all about ? I realise that it has some connection to Jesus making a bunch of fish or somesuch wackiness . Here's the thing CAN'T eat meat , but you CAN eat fish????? Uhhhh....I'm no biologist here , but isn't fish meat ? I mean I've never come across a Salmon tree before in all of my wanderings . You can't plant a damn bass , can you ? So if it's not a plant and it IS alive doesn't that kinda' make it meat of some sort ? I've had this same argument with a vegetarian friend of mine who eats fish , but not "meat" . BULLSHIT!!!! As with most of my arguments , I will let BEARS decide the outcome . Bears are carnivores . Carnivores eat meat . Bears LOVE fish . Therefore fish constitutes meat . The end . If you have any disagreement with this assesment , please take it up with the nearest bear . They will be happy to settle this in true bear style . With cold animal logic and sharp pointy teeth . Enjoy .
I hope to be around in the future
EAT CHICKEN ON FRIDAY!!! thanks for the comment
Vegetarians always look for loopholes! I say we take away all their protein pills, and other sources of nutrients found in "meat" and watch them all die a slow and painful death (or give up, and start eating meat again)!