I went to see the Peter Jackson remake of King Kong today .
You know , I have never in my life....NEVER , not even once in all of my life , after all of the movies that I've seen ( And there have been quite a few ) , NEVER...said "You know what would make this movie better...an ice skating gorilla . " I guess Peter ( Mr. Jackson if you're nasty ) actually DID say that . Tragic miscalculation .
While it wasn't a bad movie , it was nowhere near what I expected from somebody who claimed to be a HUGE fan of the original 1933 masterpiece . Let's dump $200 million bucks worth of digital effects into the movie so that the original story is barely discernable . THEN we'll throw in a little pseudo-bestiality to make a heartwarming love story between a girl and her enormous ape . THEN we'll cast Jack Black in a serious role AND Adrian Brody as a tough guy hero???? I think he may not have gotten the gist of the original movie , or he may have been wacked out of his mind on some sort of hallucinagens . Disappointing . .
Edited to add...I am apparently the only person in America who didn't absolutely love the shit out of this movie . I'm not sure if that means that I am just a weirdo , or if the general movie-going populace has become so enamoured with big budget Hollywood effects-fest movies that they aren't seeing the same thing that I saw . All of the things that I disliked about the movie seems to be what everybody else is raving about . Once again , I am the scary loner guy...which doesn't bother me in the least .
You know , I have never in my life....NEVER , not even once in all of my life , after all of the movies that I've seen ( And there have been quite a few ) , NEVER...said "You know what would make this movie better...an ice skating gorilla . " I guess Peter ( Mr. Jackson if you're nasty ) actually DID say that . Tragic miscalculation .
While it wasn't a bad movie , it was nowhere near what I expected from somebody who claimed to be a HUGE fan of the original 1933 masterpiece . Let's dump $200 million bucks worth of digital effects into the movie so that the original story is barely discernable . THEN we'll throw in a little pseudo-bestiality to make a heartwarming love story between a girl and her enormous ape . THEN we'll cast Jack Black in a serious role AND Adrian Brody as a tough guy hero???? I think he may not have gotten the gist of the original movie , or he may have been wacked out of his mind on some sort of hallucinagens . Disappointing . .
Edited to add...I am apparently the only person in America who didn't absolutely love the shit out of this movie . I'm not sure if that means that I am just a weirdo , or if the general movie-going populace has become so enamoured with big budget Hollywood effects-fest movies that they aren't seeing the same thing that I saw . All of the things that I disliked about the movie seems to be what everybody else is raving about . Once again , I am the scary loner guy...which doesn't bother me in the least .
Guess what - I don't even have to see King Kong to know that I wholeheartedly agree with you