Don't know how to update this, life is fair, nothing really new happening in my corner of the world.

I see Ronnie Ray Gun died. Another end of an era.

And so it goes...
Thanks. I appreciate the support....I am not sure anyone can convince me right now(unless you see me in real life)...but thanks....
Thanks...I think I realized those things when I was pretty young and had to move out on my own in high school. hahaha. But I do see what you mean. I feel older because too much emotional turmoil and I'm only 22(almost). if that makes any sense. I guess you'd have to know me. heh. Anyway. Thanks a bunch for the kind words.
Wow this badass cold and flu have knocked me out. It was a lousy weekend. But at least I had someone around to care for me.

Maybe I've begun to understand the real reason why we are so different, yet in many ways the same.

I think I'll go back to bed.
Well the last of dude's kittens has left the nest. Poor dude. I found them all good homes though. It's sort of strange not having playful kittens around the house. Still, all in all, It sure beats cleaning up after their messes.

Tomorrow is just another work day. What a drag.
bumemr about the day tommorrow heh.
ps i was just joking to yer woman so i hope i didnt piss either of you off too bad. as for the others i cant apologize for them. hope yall have a gtreat night or somethin. sure better than mine. im bored but i have my loverly liberal radio show to keep me all cozy and happy biggrin!!!
I could never have another shy guy, I need a fucking social butterfly, like me. Tried the shy guy for five years....ended pretty badly. But the guy I like, doesnt even wear deoderant, but he doesnt smell bad, only good. Kittens are so cute except when they vomit on your couch, hehe.
Had an interesting day with one of my clients. He's MR, and we've been adjusting his work environment to accomodate his needs better. Eli is all smiles now.

After School tutoring is getting to me. sigh. The kids don't want to learn. Everthing has to be turned into a game for them, or they block it all out.

These are normal kids, who somehow have...
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i cant say ive heard of it...but i know where orwell is hahaha
Has anybody here noticed the disparity between what they actually do, and what they actually say?

I guess being a hypocrite is more common than I thought.

Either that, or we just love to fool ourselves.
Life is strange, just when you think the world is about to kick you in the butt, something nice happens. So once again you can face the day with a cheeful outlook.

and so it goes.
Been up till three last night, my head hurts like wow, everything is too loud, and my place looks like my dad's cows lived here, not me.

Just another boring weekend. Life is just so boring I could puke.
Been an intersting weekend. A couple of my buddies came over and we got smashed over some old three stooges tapes.

All the Asti, and booze are gone. All that's left is a hangover.

What a way to greet the day.
Ten reasons why I need a good woman.

1. They always remind you of the right thing to do.
2. If you didn't do it right the first time, you can always blame your main squeeze for your mistake.
3. They make great friends, and you can even cuddle with em.
4. Woman, by and large are grounded in practicallity. For example, if you just...
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Difficult days. Thinking of you. Each time I go around again.

Life should be fun. The sun should shine every day. Limitless money, so we can play.

So, I got to see you at work. Angel for the dying. Some young some old. How, I wonder can such beauty exist amidst physical destruction. Souls at terminus, cells run rampant, bodies all tired out. Theirs eyes...
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