My scarification experience.
I used to be a cutter, that's how I dealt with the world. I know it isn't a healthy coping skill but it was all I knew. I haven't cut myself in over two years. Most of my scars have been covered up by tattoos, except for a couple on my thigh. I decided that I wanted to have a scarification piece...
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I used to be a cutter, that's how I dealt with the world. I know it isn't a healthy coping skill but it was all I knew. I haven't cut myself in over two years. Most of my scars have been covered up by tattoos, except for a couple on my thigh. I decided that I wanted to have a scarification piece...
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Fucking OW girl. I am jealous of being able to put up with that intensity, and congrats for finding such an amazing outlet for it. When I get better we need to seriously get together.
Going through old blogs, good to see you're still around.
It's my birthday today!!! I can't believe I'm 28 already. Time flies when you're having fun.
Happy Holidays. Hope you and your family have a good one.
My car (Yuki, a 2001 honda civic with 148k) died today. I've had her for four years and haven't had any major problems until a couple of months ago. I paid to have her seals changed and the ignition replaced, since she was leaking oil and the ignition was shorting out causing her to die while driving. A few weeks ago the check engine light,...
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I'm pretty sure that I'm cursed, that someone put a hex on me. No one hurts themselves, or gets into as much trouble or weird situations as I do.
Earlier tonight I was driving home from a meeting when I came across a police officer stopped at a green light. He didn't have his hazard lights on and had been sitting there for a good...
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Earlier tonight I was driving home from a meeting when I came across a police officer stopped at a green light. He didn't have his hazard lights on and had been sitting there for a good...
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I also have a root canal in my near future, not looking forward to it! That is a pretty big spell of bad luck, atleast the cop was an ok guy in the end!
A new start. Trying to recover from the effects of alcohol on my life.
I'll write a real post in here soon. I promise.
I'll write a real post in here soon. I promise.
I'm an alcoholic. I had been sober for 9 days and then I drank tonight. I feel so stupid. I can't believe I did it. It's okay though, tomorrow is a new day.
I'm writing about my experience.
I'm writing about my experience.
good luck kicking the habit 

Breakups suck. I don't like this. I hate feeling this way. It was all my fault. I act crazy. How do I get over this? Ice cream isn't working.
Isn't there a saying "the easiest way to get over a guy is to get under a new one"? There is no easy way except to try and stay busy!
Best of luck with the set!
The pictures from my first set (which will be in member review very shortly) are finally done! I couldn't be happier with the results. Thanks Lavonne!
Hey all!
I know, it's been a while but my account expired and I couldn't afford to re-activate it but now I'm back!!! I'm doing a photoshoot with lavonne tomorrow, which should be super fun. Yay!! I'm finally going to attempt to be a suicide girl!!!!!
I know, it's been a while but my account expired and I couldn't afford to re-activate it but now I'm back!!! I'm doing a photoshoot with lavonne tomorrow, which should be super fun. Yay!! I'm finally going to attempt to be a suicide girl!!!!!
Congrats Tindra!!
Hope the shoot goes well!

good luck with your shoot, i think lavonne means you're in awesome hands.
she's so talented, and with your beauty.
can't wait to see the results!

she's so talented, and with your beauty.
can't wait to see the results!