An email has been sent to you through your Suicide Girls profile regarding the final schedule for the SG videos that will be filmed at PROM . If you did not receive this email, please email me at ASAP.
Ahoy, how goes it? hopefully beeter that the last time you updated your jurnal. Sorry I haven't been on for so long. All the computers have blockers on them that restrect almost every web page. Hella sucks, but one of my buddies over here finaly figured out a way to bypass the blocker, and so now I can finally get back on suicidegirls and chat with all of ya again after 2 months, geaarrrrr! Kuwait is no place for a pirate neither, let me tell you! it's like the worlds largest sand box. well, I must go for now, ROCK ON!
Thank you,
-Captain foti, a pirate lost in the desert!