Wednesday we had an awesome fundraiser for Femina Potens at El Rio called Genderfuck w/ Katastrophe,Julia Serano,Carol Queen,Lipstick Conspiracy,Charlie Anders and a drag king performance by Arty Fishal. It was fabulous and we made $650 for the gallery. Yippie! Things are really coming together for Ladyfest Bayarea as well. If any of you are interested in submitting let me know as we are making final deciscions this week.
More Blogs
Feature Film Adaptation of my Memoir in Production Now!!
Hi All, I'm so thrilled to announce that my memoir - Daddy - has… -
Join me in New Orleans
I’ll be facilitating a very decadent and exclusive sexuality r… -
Manifest Radical Art and Performance
Only one day left to contribute to the RevealAllFearNot… -
Kinky Theater At it's Best
Tonight I'm back in the theater! If you are in PDX I'd LOVE… -
Reveal All Fear Nothing in PDX this weekend!!
Hi All, I just wanted to invite you all to an amazing radical th… -
Wow! This trailer for my one woman show is ridiculously hot!! h… -
PDX - My sexy one woman show is happening this week
PDX! - My one woman show is happening this weekend and I'd LOVE to … -
Dreaming of vegan soup and how awesome an anus entrance will be
At home under covers resting and fighting a cold. Three weeks… -
Only one month until Reveal All Fear Nothing!
Only one month until Reveal All Fear Nothing! Watch as I demystify… -
Pre production madness
It's absolutely wild how much needs to happen in the next four week…
have things slowed down for you at all, or are you still running around at 100 MPH?