Polli is sending me cute furry things from Italy to sell at my gallery. They are soooo cute. And Aiki and I will be playing Ladyfest Bayarea 2004 this summer. I expect all of you ladies on the west coast to be there. Its July 30th - August 1st -www.ladyfestbayarea.org . I'm painting today, going to see my baby at her cafe,recording the sounds of pigeons for an audio art piece that I'm making(did I mention I'm deathly afraid of pigeons?),and going to see of my favorite musicians and favorite people ever - Elizabeth Elmore w/ The Reputation at The Parkside. I'm sending my Monica baby a package with spring time surprises in the mail. Enjoy the sunshine my lovely people.
omg you're sooo sweet! I'm afraid of pigeons too! bleah!! i'm working on the monsters, i'll send them to you next week! i've just bought a yellow nice box for them! kisses.
pigeons are like rats with wings. maybe thats a bit harsh but one pooed on my shoulder once. Oh no hang on, isn't that meant to be lucky?