You know what? Fuck scene kids. Really. And I don't mean every scene kid, I think I mean more of the kids that complain about scene kids then try to look, dress, and act just like those people. Maybe it's hypocrisy I'm railing, but then, that's what I see in the "scene" in this town. I'm tired of holier than thou fucking kids that spend all of their time on MySpace or Friendster dictating all over town what is cool and what is hip all while under the "independant" flag. You know what? You're not different, and fuck you for even trying to pretend you are. It's not ok for you or anyone else to push this fucking crap on everyone else. For example, who thought girl pants on guys was a good idea? Look, you have a small penis, that's fine, don't advertise it, we don't care. Girl pants are for girls for a reason, stop overcrowding their sections in stores because you want pants with a better flare. You don't look any "hotter." Your favorite bands suck, your favorite movies suck, your favorite clothes suck and most importantly - you suck, shut the fuck up.
P.S. Wash your fucking hair.
*edited 2 minutes later - to add the girl pants part*
I could go on further but it's time to work on something else.
P.S. Wash your fucking hair.
*edited 2 minutes later - to add the girl pants part*
I could go on further but it's time to work on something else.

im glad someone else see that too
Thank you for the comment on my set the other day!