"I don't fear death because I know the man, and he's got nothing against me. But I am afraid of not living enough to have a good tale to tell him on the long walk back home..."

- from the funeral card of Marissa DiStefano, age 16, killed in car crash
That must be the best quote about death I've ever seen.


ARRR!!! ?

[Edited on Feb 19, 2005 7:18PM]
"What's here right now? Delusion is yesterday's dream - enlightenment, tomorrow's delusion." - Maezumi

"Once upon a time 'Then' was 'Now'. Then 'Then' became 'Then' and 'Soon' became 'Now'. Soon 'Soon' will be 'Then', 'Someday' will be here, and this will all be 'Once Upon A Time'." - me
there is like a 75% chance I will be getting a car this weekend, so the beggining of march looks more and more likely biggrin
Holey Shmoley! What a wild and crazy world! Every day is a meteor shower of action and adventure! I'm swirling in it!

Dig! This Friday I've been asked to join in a big martial arts exhibition with the "Poison Klan". Saturday I'm performing sideshow acts at the "Dark Carnival" at Mephisto's. Sunday I've been asked to come teach a seminar for a class of Orthodox...
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Thanks for your comment! I haven't been doing martial arts for that long, but I like to think that I fully jumped into it with my mind instead of just my body, and as a result, I seem to be involved on a different level than many of the people I know who just went for "a workout" or to go "learn to beat people up" <--- uggg

I was doing taekwondo at my previous dojo for just less than two years, but I also got a chance to try some grappling classes and self defence (Krav Maga). I was lucky with my last dojo, becuase they realized that I wanted to be more involved and let me go with it; I got to start sparring while I was still white belt, and started assistant instructing some of the classes (for younger students) when I was a green or purple belt.

There were some fantastic instructors there, but unfortunately, the dojo was bought out by one partner who was only interesting in the business side of things, and as a result the integrity of the place was damaged severely. Testing requirements changed so that almost anyone could pass without really deserving it, my sensei had to put up with disrespectful and rude students simply because they didn't want to lose money from them, and even the name of the dojo was changed from the name of my main instructor to "Evolution Martial Arts." The last one really struck a chord with me because I have a bit of a loyalty complex.

Anyways, I wound up moving away and am currently inbetween places to train. I'm actually hoping that my favorite sensei will open up his own dojo soon, in which case I would take next year off of university to go train with him. *squints eyes and reaaaaaally hopes* So that's my history of involvement....but I have a feeling I'm just getting started.

Thanks for your recomendations on books, I just read The Book of Five rings, and was very inspired by it, and was hoping to pick up a few more soon..YAY

Also, all of the photos in my journal I took myself, thanks for asking : )
man that is a crazy lifestyle of fun and adventure!!

I am surprised to hear that you dont recomend eating glass, I was really expecting you to say something like " Well its really easy and good for you as long as you know the ultra hard to learn magic trick that lets you eat it in the 1st place"

Japanese girls are very very interesting, I have a hard time trusting them after getting to know several over the years.

Anyway is there any time in the next couple of weeks that would be especially good for you for us to get together? If I know in advance it is alot easier for me to schedule the time off, or make sure I am home from work before then.
10:31pm - I'm back in town; sleepy, sore and with a tummy full of broken glass. Four of us from the Fire Fabulon drove 2.5 hours up to Central Michigan U to perform a 2 hour show for their Carnavale night. It was pretty fun! But without fire, (it was indoors) our shock factor was limited.

So I had to kick up the bed of...
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How would you describe Secrets of the Samurai, and who is it by? I'm always looking for new martial arts/philosophy books... thanks!
Not as exciting as broken glass but what can you do. biggrin
As the glinting silver hooks pierced his quivering flesh, his face looked calm and tranquil, as if there was no separation between the man and the moment, the thought and the action, the spirit and the world.

I watched as two of my best mates were systematically hooked, laced, strung up and suspended by the flesh of their backs, swinging "Superman"-style as their angels and...
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wow, you know what, i never knew about thatr before i came onto sg, check out sg Piper, she has done it and has pics in her pics folder. then my boy mentioned he met some people who do it and he might be doing it too... i could never, that would be mind control at its most intense. good luck! you sound really interesting, id love to meet you some day
You are such a cool cat. You commented in my journal once then I forgot about cha til i went back a few post so, I had to request ye.

... So there I was, half way between going up and coming down, and all she could say was "More."

I was lashed & tied, slashed & tired, lathered & wired, licked & bitten. I was ripped and torn, battered and worn, mangled, bruised, kicked & bleeding. And all she could say was "More."

I ran, I climbed, I carried oceans of weight. I lifted...
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what is this from? your journal?
p.s. i updated. tongue
Well, we made it. Another new year as a blank canvas on which to paint the mysterious beauty of our lives. Every day we waste is like a part of the canvas left blank...

For new year's eve I got to co-host a fetish party. It was great. Fire. Torture. Bed of nails, broken glass walking, needle play, whipping. There was even a "Harem room"...
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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v485/Grlnamedspike/10-23-04%20Theatre%20Bizarre/IMG_2870.jpg">
oops. here's my costume...
Gahh!!! Is it too much to ask to have a disciplined, obedient disciple?! Every time I watch classic martial arts films I want to go beat the students! (with love, of course!) But I'm sure that just as I wish the students to be focused, loyal, dedicated and fanatical in their training, they probably watch the same movies and wish that I would be more...
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Word. I enjoy the circle of life. Makes me happy that some things are forever out of our control.

Oh, and thanx about the comment on my squishy pictures. blush

Btw, I like ur hair. And ur the first person I've met on here who does martial arts. Quite super.
by the way, that website looks pretty rad. let me know when it's up and running.
Okay, it's storytime. I recently discovered this in an old notebook of mine. It was written in the dark, so it was all scribbley!


The older bear came softly to the younger bear and in his wisdom sat gently beside her. Tell me said the older bear tell me what it is you see when you close your eyes. I am forlorn said the...
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so um is everyone in the circus as cute as u blush
LOL cute. hmmmm i wonder if u might know one of my buddies. he's friends with the bindlestiffs
So in class tonight (karate), for the last hour it was three of the adult advanced belt men and myself working on defenses against a rushing attacker. I love it when we do these kind of drills, as it engorges the adrenalin junkie within.

We started out with the attacker lunging in with a punch, and we had to incapacitate them with as few moves...
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So I've added a few photos, more coming. My friend photographed me for an evening recently to be on SuicideBoys. She was blatant and merciless! "Take off your jacket! Undo your pants! Show me your ____!" AAAHH! I was merely a pawn in this twisted waif-manipulation! But she kept telling me how "hot" I was (as all good button-pushers do) and so my clothes kept...
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I didn't get to go this year! frown

I had to pack to take my state board test, but I heard about it!

Lemme know if you do it again for I do love the firebuggery. biggrin
haha fucking awesome i cant wait to look @ your pics biggrin hehe

mmm so your a burning man person, i reckon u would enjoy the psycadelic festivals i go to down in australia, and where ill be going to over europe, together as freaks we dance in a trance to psytrance w0o.. im going to this in january down south Rainbow Serpant its the best in australia its serioously amazing, enterting a whole new world for 4 days camping god i love it