Today's not been so hot. Haven't been feeling quite myself these last few days and it's proving difficult to shake off. For some reason some things that I can normally deal with have been getting harder recently. Nothing feels like it's going right, yet I know nothing is actually going wrong. It's natural to self pity sometimes I guess but ultimately futile..even destructive.

The world...
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its part japaneese part fifties old school,
its mainly different flowers and waves.
its just improvised when i'm in the chair
thanx kiss
I'm feeling surprisingly good today considering! Why does one drink always lead to another!! I will work on that will power thing!

The weekend is now here and I'm hunting tattoo designs to base a new one on. it's been too long and i've got the itch well and truely again.

I have taken some pics to put up here of some paintings and random...
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hangover from hell!
im just getting my half sleeve finished, it only started as a random sat afternoon visit, i have no self control.
did you find a design?
Way to make me cry with Cash's hurt! But god that cover is sooooo good!
fuck me!! this room is cold!!

ok, bit pissed noW! Pub bein 5minutes away it was always gonna happen though!!

The worst thing in the world is knowing someone who means everything to you needs you and you can't be there for them...i'm sorry.

sleep tightx
Finally!!! It's working!! All wireless and wonderful!! Dont you just love it when something works exactly as its supposed to!! I know it's rare...it may never have happened for you...but please be happy for me!! smile

The only thing lacking now is a bed! These air mattresses just dont do you any favours....especially if you're as big as I am! OH well...by the time it's a...
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I must say, I caught on to what was going on during it rather quickly.

Usually I make predictions and they don't come to fruition but for that movie I was spot on.

Its one of those..."starts" at the ending type films, that's what is confusing.
well thank you smile
aah i've had more than 5minutes on the site...boy i've missed it!!

the last few days have been pretty non-stop. work is crap as ever and family has taken the rest of the time like only family can. The weekend was good, just what i'd hoped for....though saw Killswitch on the sunday and they weren't wat I hoped for!!! Shame.

Not sure what else to...
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Vegas it is, bro.

You tell me when and I'll be there.

And hell yeah, it'll be a party!

Just a quickie, still in the middle of moving flats and not got internet working there yet (need bloody wireless card!)Soon as I'm up and running properly I'll reply to tose who've commented messages etc...I'm not just being a rude shite!! smile

Well another pissing raining day in England, though with all the hurricanes and death elsewhere it's probably a bit rich to moan about it!!

Sorted out the flat today so from tomorrow will be moving out to the riverside, means I'm going to miss a few days on here which sucks....I'm quite addicted to this site now!

Still, once everythings unpacked and set up I...
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Hey. I'm from Detroit, back in USA.

I'm gonna come over to the UK and we're gonna party Detroit style, alright???

Welcome to SG by the way. We need more Brits here anyways.

i'd rather rain over snow any day. we got a ridiculous amount over this past weekend. it's rather depressing.

have fun with your new apartment.

-kay' ARRR!!!
Well another late night(bout 1.15am), Though yesterday was entirely the fault of his site!! There's too much to check out...so obviously i stayed up till 4am rather than just ceck it out today?!

A very quiet weekend this one's turning out to be, have finally got around to finishing off a sketchbook from Dublin - it's only 6months later!! Still going through all the stuff...
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hey hey,

cheers for the add...still getting used to the site but think I pressed the right button!!
Welcome to the site! You a football fan at all?