mp3 player...check....wine..check....phone...off!!! fucking sweet!!

I'm in paris in a week, Giacometti and courbet exhibits all booked up...will make double sure to get to the catacombs this time!!!

I spent today carving plaster heads, it's harder than i though!!hehe! bugger!x
The hardest thing I've been asked recently; "What do you want?" - I can't answer it, I just know that I don't have it. It has been pointed out to me that it may be easier to find should I decide what "it" actually is!!

Definitely food for thought!

Christmas was ridiculous here, my handicapped bro is basically a 6 foot toddler...makes for a lot...
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I have often thought about that very question and the only thing I've ever been able to say in reply is that I don't know, but I do know what I don't want!

There are endless possibilities for what we do want in this world and I now believe it's actually impossible to make an informed decision on what you do want when there are so many things to choose from. We're only human afterall.

So, I gave up trying to answer that question and continue to live my life hoping to make the right decisions at the time and always hope for more, whatever that may be.

I hope you feel better soon and are well enough to celebrate New Year. I was supposed to be in Manchester from tomorrow for 3 days but after what's been going on lately, and the fact that Tessie isn't well, I have to break the news to my friend today. She's going to be soooooooo pissed, and I don't blame her frown

Happy New Year to you.

A film binge eh? I love those. I regularly have a holiday film binge of like 8 in a weekend.

This time around, it seems to be exploitation films...starting with Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS. Pretty wild.
Today...is a good day!!hehe!

All shows, current paintings, college terms, essays and projects are now complete. There is literally nothing needing to be done! biggrin this has not happened for a long long time!!

Tonight i actually took the liberty of sitting on my arse and doing nothing at all!! I watched TV, some massive asexual fellow was telling old ladies they look good naked....which was...
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What a gorgeous, happy blog, thank you for sharing it, it made me smile biggrin

Cheers, appreciate it.
balls balls balls!! blody boxing!

I got a day off, yusssss!!! Good...shit!X
Mayweather man. Best fighter this decade.
I don't know how much you follow the sport, but I admin the SG boxing group and we talk about all the big fights in there.
Things are a bit up in the air again at the minute. A million things all at once. Feels like a lot of change in the air, which I relish.

The last week has been one I would like to forget for my family, my cousin in the states was killed in a car accident. He was in the US army and was buried with...
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Right, now that's out of the way, sorry to hear about your cousin, that really does suck. And how ironic that he should be on leave from a warzone too. My little brother is in the army and they're just waiting for him to turn 18 in June before they send him out to either Iraq or Afghanistan. It worries me sick but I know there's nothing I can do frown mad

Christmas in 3 weeks is also shit. How has it crept up on me like that? I know I'm not the only one thinking that either! I'm guessing it's a sign that I'm getting older and apparently time goes even quicker the older you get, so that's something to look forward to, NOT!

Oh, gotta go, the bin men have just arrived and Tessie is going mental, I need to close the curtains until they've gone!


you're so subtle tim, thanks whatever

besides, who's to say they are eastern european? surreal

Ahoy! x
buggerholes! That's what I say! Bloody rugby, bloody football and bloody racing! Pah well! Always next time! biggrin

I've had this past week off work and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. i'm still feeling quite tired but I think that's more an over active mind than anything. I've purposefully been doing quite little compared to normal in an attempt to feel more human! Kinda working, though...
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Yeah man, tough week.

England lose, Jol is out....and I assume you are talking about F1?

I thought Jol would have been gone a long time ago man, Spurs hyped themselves too much and have basically tanked.
Tum te tum - can you tell when someone is just killing time?! (ah the memories of that song!)

Having a wee break from drawings, i have quite a few shows I'm trying to get in to in the coming months so practice is vital. i'm keeping one eye on my portfolio too, the course I'm on has been awesome so far in the sheer...
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was wondering why I had a blank testimonial smile

thanks for the welcome!

only the person you write the testimonial to can delete it, so i deleted yours confused

thanks anyways man biggrin

hope you have a killer weekend
I am tired!

I have also booked a week off work for no other reason than the fact I can!! I am looking forward to making millions of drawings and going to a couple of uni open days. I'm no closer to a decision as to where to go...sense says canterbury and heart I guess says London.....who knows.

I went to see Damien Rice on...
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I am a student again...hoorah!! Only part time for now but it's all good, already loving it and can't wait for the next week. I'm at the university college for the Creative Arts doing a pre-degree type course, leads straight to a degree if I like...which I do. About time I stood up and was counted for what I love doing.

Current plan is to...
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It was bad. Really, really, really bad.

Robinson for me was the only player England had on the pitch that looked like he could do something at any point. It's sad to see perhaps his last game ever ended like this one, with an injury in a horrible England side.

This team looked like they didn't play together ever, and they really never had.

Catt at 10? Farrell? Yikes. One of the commentators had it right where they just haven't built anything since 2003, they are still grabbing onto the coat tails of this 2003 squad...but they aren't good anymore.

You were looking at a bunch of out of retirement 30somethings with England and SA was like early 20s, and people like Montgomery are still world class.

The Boks got going against Samoa, and they ended up big winners...and now England should seriously be worried about not making it out of this group at this stage, which would really be an embarrassment. shocked
Hey, thanks for commenting on my set smile