unfortunately I have no time for a full update...I have a pile of books to read and essays on modernism to digest!! Urgh - All I feel like doing is putting on the TV and forgetting about it!!hehe! damn!!
I painted this in response to the woods at Blean, near Canterbury. Took one day, about 7 foot ish high. It's not great but it isn't bad for the time and materials. It's still not big enough, nor is it really a subject i'm interested in painting.
Things are not going so great really. It all feels the same as it did. I need to settle in much much more than I have and meet some new people. I think I'm just very bored which allows for too much time in my own head. all I want is to work.
I painted this in response to the woods at Blean, near Canterbury. Took one day, about 7 foot ish high. It's not great but it isn't bad for the time and materials. It's still not big enough, nor is it really a subject i'm interested in painting.

Things are not going so great really. It all feels the same as it did. I need to settle in much much more than I have and meet some new people. I think I'm just very bored which allows for too much time in my own head. all I want is to work.
Celtic have missed Vennegoor of Hesselink (the most influential striker) and Samaras who is also the SPL's leading scorer and that killed the team in both games.
With them in the line, I would have expected better last night and at OT (the two offside goals completely ruined that game), but as long as Celtic got a point I'll take it.
The whole campaign hinges on the game in Denmark, which could either be the site of one of the most pivotal points in Celtic's recent CL history, or its continued downfall away from home.
How've you been lately? We haven't talked in ages! granted, yet again, i haven't had the internet for a few months, and it sounds like you're keeping pretty busy.
personally, i think that's a pretty awesome painting. the more i look at it the more i like it.
hope you're doing okay!