I love Paris in general. This trip was perhaps not the best it could've been...But considering both parties were stressed up to their eye balls, tired and One had a very sore mouth it worked out well....not that you'd know it...
It was great to float about on the boats a bit along the river. Made it to the top of the Eiffel tower and FINALLY made it to the Catacombs. The further in you go the more the impact of the place hits you. When you start contemplating the sheer number of bones down there it really dawns on you what a small piece of a large puzzle you are. Mile long walls up to 8 Feet deep with human bones immaculately arranged...I can't say it's a job I fancy!!
Annnnyways!! Much is going on as always. I now have officially 8 more days of my job left, I think I will actually feel very proud to leave. Much as I hate what I do I have done it well. Working from the lowest post in the customer services areas I'm on my 4th promotion and am an officer and decision maker for the local government. I never take any pride from what I do as I both dislike it and disagree with the overall concept the welfare state operates under. However I have done well, I'm always the person that people come to for answers, and always the person the heads ask to get involved with the new areas. Perhaps if I'd chosen a different path I could have done very well, I was pushed to take the technical qualifications and exams when I last voiced my concerns, a bigger change was defintely needed though.
Today I got my first pre course work for my degree in the post. A project entitled "24 hours". 24 pages each an hour of the same day. Already I am feeling more enthused at having something to challenge me. I can't wait to get stuck in to the work. I'm quite fearful of the other side of returning, mainly the social side...of late I have no love of it or people. Close friends of the past decade have all gone, almost every bridge has been purposefully burnt.
I took the liberty the other day of destroying all my keepsakes and memories from the past. I don't want reminding, i don;t want the future to be a mirror of the past. It may sound overly dramatic but it's the truth! (:p) Too many times I ignored what my head and heart really said to me - that's exactly how I ended up ignoring art and music for as long as I did. I let myself hide in other things, and now it has stopped. I have memories, fond ones, of the things in my past and those I will keep gladly.
The past week has been cool generally. I am finally getting somewhere with my teeth, they now feel so much better. It is still sore and will take a long time to heal fully but the 1000 spent so far has really brightened me up. Being able to eat a meal without the familiar crunch of bits of your own gnashers falling off is nice!!
I also saw WALL-E which was fantastic, absolutely wicked! And then I saw The Dark Knight which was even better!! Seriously!! Very rarely does the hype surrounding films or actors seemed justified but Heath Ledger is out of this world! I will defintely go again ( the free ticket for the slight fuck up in the showing will help this!hehe!)
Today I drove 200 miles, saw my bro, took him to see dad, saw an Aunt who I don't like and we only ever see at funerals (Actually that's all my family!) and now I have a bottle of wine and some awful TV on! Shitty day with a lazy end!! bah well!
Tomorrow I have some house things to sort, some paperwork to get done and some work to do. I will also fit in a run somewhere, which is cool!
tata for now! Hope all are well!
I hope you guys kick some serious fucking ass this year.
Except tomorrow when Celtic plays you.