i went to see "In Bruges" tonight, I can't decide if I liked it or not!!! I think I wasn't in the mood for the bleakness, but some of it was very funny - in that very twisted "I so shouldn't be laughing at this" kinda way.
Bought the new portishead album, which I am liking very much so far. I've had a little dry patch with buying music I must remedy.Haven't been trying anything new either which I also should fix....Next step would be to finally get round to making it again and see how that feels!
Things are a bit murky at the minute, i'm not sure on anything. sometimes, or a lot of the time, I think I should wander off until I work this all out. alas that is not an option.
Family is doing ok, mum is in reasonable spirits after coming home. I think it's very important to keep an eye on her mental state as that is what causes her to stop caring and to spiral back to hospitals.
I can't decide on shaving my head again or not...I kinda fancy it at the minute but not the fact it makes me look a complete thug when I'm not so chirpy! I feel the need for some pointless cosmetic change to hide the fact I am not fixing the other things!! hehe!
I defintely feel the need for some mischief, everything is very boring at the minute. The way it goes when you have to put other people first I know...I still miss it though!!
Rightyoh, I 'm going to retire for the evening. up bright and early to the uni library for some research then back for some more work. I must find a dentist that can see me before july too...that should be a laugh!! bloody things! (my teeth.....not dentists, I'm sure they're nice folk!!)
nite nite!
Bought the new portishead album, which I am liking very much so far. I've had a little dry patch with buying music I must remedy.Haven't been trying anything new either which I also should fix....Next step would be to finally get round to making it again and see how that feels!
Things are a bit murky at the minute, i'm not sure on anything. sometimes, or a lot of the time, I think I should wander off until I work this all out. alas that is not an option.
Family is doing ok, mum is in reasonable spirits after coming home. I think it's very important to keep an eye on her mental state as that is what causes her to stop caring and to spiral back to hospitals.
I can't decide on shaving my head again or not...I kinda fancy it at the minute but not the fact it makes me look a complete thug when I'm not so chirpy! I feel the need for some pointless cosmetic change to hide the fact I am not fixing the other things!! hehe!
I defintely feel the need for some mischief, everything is very boring at the minute. The way it goes when you have to put other people first I know...I still miss it though!!
Rightyoh, I 'm going to retire for the evening. up bright and early to the uni library for some research then back for some more work. I must find a dentist that can see me before july too...that should be a laugh!! bloody things! (my teeth.....not dentists, I'm sure they're nice folk!!)
nite nite!
uhm im not sure i just did it one day and i cood so i decided to show the other girls lol