I got toasted by the sun today!! Rubbish!! Was marshalling for the tour de France's trip through Maidstone. Double pay to stop people parking in a disabled car park - not massively fun but hell, I'll do most things for double pay!! Though I could do without the pink neck and face!
I've decided I dont like being 27 much. 26 I could handle - ideally I'd like to stay around 23/24!! It's just a little too close to 30 for my liking, I feel pressure to succeed in things that I dont even care about. It's bizarre, somehow I view my life a little more harshly for not having things that I dont even want. Bizarre.
I'm thinking of going on another trip in October roughly, any bright ideas are thoroughly appreciated. At the minute I'm thinking of returning to Paris to finish some things I missed out on when my big trip got cancelled. Or alternatively going to do some Island hopping in Greece, something lazy & hot with boats - a day or two to see Athens too. There's so much I want to see of the world trying to choose things is hard. I'm due out in south Africa during next year for a friends wedding too so will try and add something to the end of that, somewhere further afield I think.
I'm going to visit one of my birthday presents now - a nice spanking bottle of Glenfiddich, BONZA!!!
Yeah that's right!!hehe!!
I've decided I dont like being 27 much. 26 I could handle - ideally I'd like to stay around 23/24!! It's just a little too close to 30 for my liking, I feel pressure to succeed in things that I dont even care about. It's bizarre, somehow I view my life a little more harshly for not having things that I dont even want. Bizarre.
I'm thinking of going on another trip in October roughly, any bright ideas are thoroughly appreciated. At the minute I'm thinking of returning to Paris to finish some things I missed out on when my big trip got cancelled. Or alternatively going to do some Island hopping in Greece, something lazy & hot with boats - a day or two to see Athens too. There's so much I want to see of the world trying to choose things is hard. I'm due out in south Africa during next year for a friends wedding too so will try and add something to the end of that, somewhere further afield I think.
I'm going to visit one of my birthday presents now - a nice spanking bottle of Glenfiddich, BONZA!!!
Yeah that's right!!hehe!!

yeah, he's cool my monster, though maybe not very advanced in his dancing but I'm proud of him