I am not abroad anymore! Managed a whole couple of days!woohoo!! My grandad died whilst I was away and I 've had to come back for the funeral. Though this is still being held up as the body has yet to be released. I think I will cancel the leave now and go to Rome the end of June.
Bit shit but it's only a holiday after all, people put too much stock in these things I've discovered. I know a few people who's defining character trait is that they once went on an extended holiday!! It bugs me!!
I'm keeping the week of work and have started painting again, I intend throwing myself in to it as much as humanly possible. It's important to me and a definite way out of the mundane featureless life that this country seems to try and guide its' occupants in to. Go to work, fund the state and shut up. Opportunities seem hard to come by too, you can't even afford to rent a place to live (Let alone buy) without slogging yourself to death - If you want to build a career that starts off broke and possibly bears fruit later you can't afford to live, or you cant afford to put the time in learning a craft cos you are too busy working to pay your bills.
Anyway, enough rambles...if you reading this say hello...I dont talk to enough people on this!
I am not abroad anymore! Managed a whole couple of days!woohoo!! My grandad died whilst I was away and I 've had to come back for the funeral. Though this is still being held up as the body has yet to be released. I think I will cancel the leave now and go to Rome the end of June.
Bit shit but it's only a holiday after all, people put too much stock in these things I've discovered. I know a few people who's defining character trait is that they once went on an extended holiday!! It bugs me!!
I'm keeping the week of work and have started painting again, I intend throwing myself in to it as much as humanly possible. It's important to me and a definite way out of the mundane featureless life that this country seems to try and guide its' occupants in to. Go to work, fund the state and shut up. Opportunities seem hard to come by too, you can't even afford to rent a place to live (Let alone buy) without slogging yourself to death - If you want to build a career that starts off broke and possibly bears fruit later you can't afford to live, or you cant afford to put the time in learning a craft cos you are too busy working to pay your bills.
Anyway, enough rambles...if you reading this say hello...I dont talk to enough people on this!

yay for roma!! let's go, i likes culture innit
p.s. was gonna get paranoid i was one of those people you mentioned, but i don't think i am. cos...i is cool and uh, crayzee