Well it's been a while again, apologies to those few who I didn't reply to. I will do I promise. Things have been busy and testing. Though I think I'm on the other side of it all now.
A lot of things have happened and very few of them have been fun, but they have certainly kicked me up the arse. I hadn't realised how little care I had been showing myself. It's very easy apparently to lose sight of the things you want but the joy of finding them again is hard to describe. It only seems to take a moment to remember all the promises you made yourself and the overwhelming optimism they gave you.
I'm looking forward to pushing myself over these next few months to see what I can do.
Have been out in the fields again - I mentioned a while back there was this sculpture installed in a local park of a DNA strand...and here it is!
It's one of the few public installations around here that are worth seeing!
I have also found a bargain and a half!!
2.49!!! I can't fully put in to words the feeling of finding it!! As a massive Gearge Orwell fan it made my day - I may have actually squeaked!!
We also have some new pets! A pair of ducks have adopted us and have taken to living under our window, they have all the fresh bread they can eat and a swanky river view!! The resident fox had better keep his distance though!
Any ideas for names on a postcard - The winner will get something very special!!

A lot of things have happened and very few of them have been fun, but they have certainly kicked me up the arse. I hadn't realised how little care I had been showing myself. It's very easy apparently to lose sight of the things you want but the joy of finding them again is hard to describe. It only seems to take a moment to remember all the promises you made yourself and the overwhelming optimism they gave you.
I'm looking forward to pushing myself over these next few months to see what I can do.
Have been out in the fields again - I mentioned a while back there was this sculpture installed in a local park of a DNA strand...and here it is!

It's one of the few public installations around here that are worth seeing!
I have also found a bargain and a half!!

2.49!!! I can't fully put in to words the feeling of finding it!! As a massive Gearge Orwell fan it made my day - I may have actually squeaked!!
We also have some new pets! A pair of ducks have adopted us and have taken to living under our window, they have all the fresh bread they can eat and a swanky river view!! The resident fox had better keep his distance though!

Any ideas for names on a postcard - The winner will get something very special!!

Ironically enough I heard a duck quacking outside my window the other morning... I felt bad because she was missing her husband. There is a tiny pond in front of my hall and they live there occasionally. I wonder if to them it's like having an apartment in the city or something, because it's so small.