The Times They Are A Changin,.....
He received a letter this morning requesting his signature enabling "the Ex" to go ahead and change the surname of their son from his, to that of her newly intendeds.
He thought, and he thought and he thought before deciding for the first time in two and a half years to tell her to Fcuk Off and say no to her demands. After all the Junior one is his and hers, not hers and her intendeds
So,.......much to her dismay in her ongoing quest to wipe out all trace of her past with him, and much to his surprize in rising up from the ashes to face her inscrupious caniving wrath head on and not care of the consequences, this is exactly what he did tonight. He said no.
For two and a half years he has caved in to the adulterous bitches every demand out of sheer fear of loosing his access to the Junior one due to her ever increasing use of emotional blackmail and idle threats. And whilst she has done her damnedest to try limit their contact and ensure the Junior calls her intended "Daddy" in front of him whilst he is merely referred to by his forname, the bond between true father and son grow stronger with each visit.
If the junior cried everytime he went to pick the junior up to spend their time together because the junior didn't want to be with him, he would be hurt but would try understand the juniors feelings and the reasons why. The fact that the only time the junior ever cries with him is when he has to take the junior back to the Ex and her intended because the junior doesn't want to go back hurts and upsets him more and makes him more resolute to be the best father possible when their time allows.
Anyhow her response to him saying No to her was to get the Junior to phone him some 30 minutes later with her saying the Junior had something he wanted to say to him.
Obviously being primed and prompted, the junior said he'd thought about the name change, and that he'd feel left out if he had a different name to the rest of his new family especially if they all went on holiday abroad and the country they went on holiday too wouldn't let him in when he got there because of his different name !
The junior has just turned the age of 7 by the way.
Is he wrong in wondering what kind of person would put those kind of ideas and thoughts into a 7 year old, causing the 7 year old to worry and get upset about not being allowed to go away on holiday because he has a different name to that of other members of the holidaying party ?
Is he wrong in wondering what kind of person would then try using those implanted ideas by getting the worried and upset 7 year old to call and relay his fears to the one preventing the name change and therefore in the eyes of the 7 year old being the one stopping the 7 year old ever going on holiday again ?
Having calmed down the junior and alleviated the juniors worries and fears regarding future holidays as best as possible, he asked the junior what name the junior might like to have if he ever had to chose ? The juniors response was he didn't really mind and the moans and groans of disbelief in the background where clear for all to hear.
I doubt this will be the last he's heard of the matter but having given vent to his frustrations and gotten it off his chest, he'll try not to bore you with it anymore.
He received a letter this morning requesting his signature enabling "the Ex" to go ahead and change the surname of their son from his, to that of her newly intendeds.
He thought, and he thought and he thought before deciding for the first time in two and a half years to tell her to Fcuk Off and say no to her demands. After all the Junior one is his and hers, not hers and her intendeds
So,.......much to her dismay in her ongoing quest to wipe out all trace of her past with him, and much to his surprize in rising up from the ashes to face her inscrupious caniving wrath head on and not care of the consequences, this is exactly what he did tonight. He said no.
For two and a half years he has caved in to the adulterous bitches every demand out of sheer fear of loosing his access to the Junior one due to her ever increasing use of emotional blackmail and idle threats. And whilst she has done her damnedest to try limit their contact and ensure the Junior calls her intended "Daddy" in front of him whilst he is merely referred to by his forname, the bond between true father and son grow stronger with each visit.
If the junior cried everytime he went to pick the junior up to spend their time together because the junior didn't want to be with him, he would be hurt but would try understand the juniors feelings and the reasons why. The fact that the only time the junior ever cries with him is when he has to take the junior back to the Ex and her intended because the junior doesn't want to go back hurts and upsets him more and makes him more resolute to be the best father possible when their time allows.
Anyhow her response to him saying No to her was to get the Junior to phone him some 30 minutes later with her saying the Junior had something he wanted to say to him.
Obviously being primed and prompted, the junior said he'd thought about the name change, and that he'd feel left out if he had a different name to the rest of his new family especially if they all went on holiday abroad and the country they went on holiday too wouldn't let him in when he got there because of his different name !
The junior has just turned the age of 7 by the way.
Is he wrong in wondering what kind of person would put those kind of ideas and thoughts into a 7 year old, causing the 7 year old to worry and get upset about not being allowed to go away on holiday because he has a different name to that of other members of the holidaying party ?
Is he wrong in wondering what kind of person would then try using those implanted ideas by getting the worried and upset 7 year old to call and relay his fears to the one preventing the name change and therefore in the eyes of the 7 year old being the one stopping the 7 year old ever going on holiday again ?
Having calmed down the junior and alleviated the juniors worries and fears regarding future holidays as best as possible, he asked the junior what name the junior might like to have if he ever had to chose ? The juniors response was he didn't really mind and the moans and groans of disbelief in the background where clear for all to hear.
I doubt this will be the last he's heard of the matter but having given vent to his frustrations and gotten it off his chest, he'll try not to bore you with it anymore.
It seems to me that you handled the situation well.
It sounds to me like your a good dad, 'the Ex' probably realises as well which will make her even more bitchy.