A thousand and one apologies, i've had problems with bugs and virus's, adware, spyware, underwear and heaven knows what wear in the last couple of months, but it seems that i've finally managed to get them ironed out, and no i dont just mean the underwear !
A little lacking in time right now,.... i've just managed to jump on for 5 mins to see if i can finally get back into S.G....but i will be back before the end of the week this time !
in the meantime hey up's To Vamps, Chrono, Poprock, and Mikael, i'll be popping by for tea shortly, as for Yorkie a great big Tiger Grrrrrrrrr !
PS Your descent into hiding wouldn't be due to us beating you at the Vic a few weeks back now, would it?
A thousand and one apologies, i've had problems with bugs and virus's, adware, spyware, underwear and heaven knows what wear in the last couple of months, but it seems that i've finally managed to get them ironed out, and no i dont just mean the underwear !
A little lacking in time right now,.... i've just managed to jump on for 5 mins to see if i can finally get back into S.G....but i will be back before the end of the week this time !
in the meantime hey up's To Vamps, Chrono, Poprock, and Mikael, i'll be popping by for tea shortly, as for Yorkie a great big Tiger Grrrrrrrrr !
lata's peeps