Shadies and Mentlemen,..........Salutations pepe's,.....
Not much happening in the Scalliwags world at the mo',....
I got bored of the resting and went back to work, minute there's absolutely nothing wrong and I'm thinking,.. ooohhh,..maybe I could risk going to the Gym tonight,....and then the next,...guess who's fallen over ( quite literally too ! ) because his ankle decides to have a little temper tantrum, and is left sat on the floor in a crumpled heap ?......Yup, !
House hunting is going on and on and on and I'm getting nowhere fast ! Patience is a virtue and all that, but its getting to the point where I need to find something quick, in yesterday,..... I was hoping to be in and sorted before Halloween to get it all decorated for "Me Munchkin",...but it aint gonna happen. It anit gonna happen for Chrimbo at this rate,... No,.... i take that back, will happen before then !
Ermmm,....what else,.....thinks,.....ermmm,.....gosh,... well,.......errrr,.......hmmmmm,........
I watched all those Buffy's,....I've eaten loads and loads of chocolate and feel really fat,......I managed to dragg myself away from e-bay without causing too much damage to the bank balance. Just as an aside ,....Isn't there some absolutly amazing crap on there you just feel you need to have ? Or is it just me leading a very sheltered life at present ?
errrrrrrrr,... nope sorry ,...thats really it,......I'm having a very slow and uninteresting period,..... Guess I'll have to make something exciting up for the next entry to keep us all awake,......ah well,........till then,.....
Not much happening in the Scalliwags world at the mo',....
I got bored of the resting and went back to work, minute there's absolutely nothing wrong and I'm thinking,.. ooohhh,..maybe I could risk going to the Gym tonight,....and then the next,...guess who's fallen over ( quite literally too ! ) because his ankle decides to have a little temper tantrum, and is left sat on the floor in a crumpled heap ?......Yup, !
House hunting is going on and on and on and I'm getting nowhere fast ! Patience is a virtue and all that, but its getting to the point where I need to find something quick, in yesterday,..... I was hoping to be in and sorted before Halloween to get it all decorated for "Me Munchkin",...but it aint gonna happen. It anit gonna happen for Chrimbo at this rate,... No,.... i take that back, will happen before then !
Ermmm,....what else,.....thinks,.....ermmm,.....gosh,... well,.......errrr,.......hmmmmm,........
I watched all those Buffy's,....I've eaten loads and loads of chocolate and feel really fat,......I managed to dragg myself away from e-bay without causing too much damage to the bank balance. Just as an aside ,....Isn't there some absolutly amazing crap on there you just feel you need to have ? Or is it just me leading a very sheltered life at present ?
errrrrrrrr,... nope sorry ,...thats really it,......I'm having a very slow and uninteresting period,..... Guess I'll have to make something exciting up for the next entry to keep us all awake,......ah well,........till then,.....
[Edited on Sep 28, 2003]
now im doing laundry [cos all i have to wear is pj's]
how was your weekend?
hope it was full of tendon family dj fun.
my cat has a bald spot in between her shoulder blades. it used to be a scab, and now its just bald. thats what she gets for venturing into the boys rooms. she also puked on one of their beds. hehehe
she must really hate him, cos shes NEVER done anything like that, [even remotely close], before.
i thank her though. ha!
beware! if zee Capn hates thee, thou shalt receive cat puky assault!
ok. i need to go nurse my hang over.
oh boy.