I was going to start with,...........
But thought, ...whats the point huh ? I knew this year was going to be a strange one, what with everythings that's going,.... going,..... gone on. And realised it was a year to step back and try let things pass me by without too much dissapointment, anger and stress,......but bugger me,....( ermm,...... well not literally you understand ! ) , if it aint one thing its another !
I've just spent 4 and a half hours at the delightfull Hull Royal Infirmary's Casualty ward,....A + E,... I guess to friends across the pond.
Thankfully its really not as bad as I first feared,.....but its sort of bad enough !
I have damaged the "Achilles" wotsit in my right ankle. I had thought it had snapped all together, but thankfully (?), its just torn ! Woo-hoo for small mercies huh ? Surgery not needed, need for a pot,.... and only a couple of weeks off work rather than a couple of months. As much as my day job wears me down at times, if i have to take time off from there,.... I can't go and play Dj'in on the weekend,......and thats my sanity clause out the window.
Sooooooo,....its all black and blue with bruising,.... strapped up tighter than a Nun's .... well you know what I mean,......loads and loads of painkillers,.... feet up and daytime tv bordom city,..... Can't go out and play,.....No to the Gym,......not sure when I'll be able to see master Scalliwag junior,...etc etc etc,......
And how did I do this ?.....Literally just by standing up after being sat on the floor ! Yeah I know,.....patheitc huh ! But these things are sent to try us aren't they ?
I'm fine in myself,..had a half decent weekend,...had much fun with Me Son,....enjoyed the Dj'in,....still happily single,....still house hunting,.....tore my Achilles attempting that tricky manouvre of standing up, and whilst "sober" I may add, know,..the usual sort of Saturday and Sunday.
So,...what am i going to do the next couple of days ? ,.....any sugestions ? I'm going to rest it up for 48 hours and do absolutely nothing,....then see what its like by wednesday,.....thing is,....I could go into work quite easily and do certain things, as long as I can cancel appointments and not have to go out and about and just sit at my desk sort of thing. But it'll all depend on how my body reacts to rest,....its not used to doing that ! Ah,..we'll see,.....
Anyhow pepe's,......lets be carefull out there when standing up ! And Cap'n,.....if you're looking out for me down "Ye Olde White Hearte" the next couple of nights, wo'n't miss me,....I'll be the one on Crutches,...quite literally propping up the bar !
I was going to start with,...........
But thought, ...whats the point huh ? I knew this year was going to be a strange one, what with everythings that's going,.... going,..... gone on. And realised it was a year to step back and try let things pass me by without too much dissapointment, anger and stress,......but bugger me,....( ermm,...... well not literally you understand ! ) , if it aint one thing its another !
I've just spent 4 and a half hours at the delightfull Hull Royal Infirmary's Casualty ward,....A + E,... I guess to friends across the pond.
Thankfully its really not as bad as I first feared,.....but its sort of bad enough !
I have damaged the "Achilles" wotsit in my right ankle. I had thought it had snapped all together, but thankfully (?), its just torn ! Woo-hoo for small mercies huh ? Surgery not needed, need for a pot,.... and only a couple of weeks off work rather than a couple of months. As much as my day job wears me down at times, if i have to take time off from there,.... I can't go and play Dj'in on the weekend,......and thats my sanity clause out the window.
Sooooooo,....its all black and blue with bruising,.... strapped up tighter than a Nun's .... well you know what I mean,......loads and loads of painkillers,.... feet up and daytime tv bordom city,..... Can't go out and play,.....No to the Gym,......not sure when I'll be able to see master Scalliwag junior,...etc etc etc,......
And how did I do this ?.....Literally just by standing up after being sat on the floor ! Yeah I know,.....patheitc huh ! But these things are sent to try us aren't they ?
I'm fine in myself,..had a half decent weekend,...had much fun with Me Son,....enjoyed the Dj'in,....still happily single,....still house hunting,.....tore my Achilles attempting that tricky manouvre of standing up, and whilst "sober" I may add, know,..the usual sort of Saturday and Sunday.
So,...what am i going to do the next couple of days ? ,.....any sugestions ? I'm going to rest it up for 48 hours and do absolutely nothing,....then see what its like by wednesday,.....thing is,....I could go into work quite easily and do certain things, as long as I can cancel appointments and not have to go out and about and just sit at my desk sort of thing. But it'll all depend on how my body reacts to rest,....its not used to doing that ! Ah,..we'll see,.....
Anyhow pepe's,......lets be carefull out there when standing up ! And Cap'n,.....if you're looking out for me down "Ye Olde White Hearte" the next couple of nights, wo'n't miss me,....I'll be the one on Crutches,...quite literally propping up the bar !
you haven't gone crazy, yet have you. it must be hard to be all doped up and pretty much immobile most of the time. i hopeyou're feeling better. and the crew is doing very well lately. it seemed like wheni stopped watching they got better so i'm just reading about the games after the fact. even though that meansi'm missing the goals. i'm foolishly afraid that if i watch that will be the day they lose. so i'm going to ride it out and hope for the best. but edson buddle and brian mcbride are in full form as of late and that's the best thing for us ever. i so love this team. i can't wait to buy season tickets for next year. that way we never have to worry if we have the money or not. and we can go to whatever games we want.
talk at ya later.
get better babycakes.
Have to say that I'm enjoying watching Pools this season - went to Stocky on Tuesday night and going to Brentford on Saturday - hopefully another three points. I actually hope you lot (and hopefully York as well) come up next season as at least it'll give us a couple of local derbies (I s'pose I should really say Dar-low or Carlisle but I kind of enjoy seeing them suffer!
Anyway, hope your achilles gets better soon mate. Talk later.