Well its been a week since i updated,...a combination of being plain old lazy and not having anything worth saying i suppose.
Still not smoking,.....so whats that now,....17 days,.... woo-hoo ! Mind you, having just had the ex trying to be clever in winding me up and going back on her word regarding settlements and access and all that sort of thing, 20 marlborough and a bottle of J.D., seem like a great idea and a great stress relief.
I've known this girl 15 years,.....I gave her everything she wanted and asked for,.... I retired from the world of studios and touring to be with her,.....I got a proper job,..... I used all the money earnt through music to buy a nice apartment for us by the water,.... furnished it top to bottom,.......gave her a dream white wedding in Florida,.......a move to a nicer house in a nicer area ( and hey,...you try finding one of those in Hull ! ),... she got holidays and weekends away, diamonds, pearls, and furs,...(she was pissed it was only a fake one tho' ! )....then we had a gorgeous baby boy,.....I was head over heels,....she wasn't....,..... she decides it wasn't enough,....she decides an old friend has more ( money, faster car , bigger house etc etc bitch bitch ) to offer, and off I go.,......back to the parents to re group and take stock and be served divorce papers for unreasonable behaviour ? If being unreasonable is letting her go off and have an affair and walk all over me,...then fine,....I'm guilty.
Oh,..... too much info,..I'm all wound up again,.... I only get wound up when she decides every so often to deny me access to Scalliwag Jnr. I'm fine,......really I am,......its over between us,..... she's not the person I knew....I've lost a lot of things and given up a lot of things thanks to the English law system,..... its all material and immaterial to me,...I dont mind,...shes welcome to the lot,....but whilst I've agreed to every demand she's made, and I'm desperately trying, and having to start all over again,...the one thing I will not give up on or lose is access to my son........ Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Phew,.....calmed down,......rant over,.....i can see me coming back and editing this before anyone gets chance to read this ! Never mind,....tomorrows another day,...and soon i'll remember how to start living life again. Be glad when all this is over and i can dot the 'i's and cross the 't's and move on properly.
Lets go play on other peoples comments !
Still not smoking,.....so whats that now,....17 days,.... woo-hoo ! Mind you, having just had the ex trying to be clever in winding me up and going back on her word regarding settlements and access and all that sort of thing, 20 marlborough and a bottle of J.D., seem like a great idea and a great stress relief.
I've known this girl 15 years,.....I gave her everything she wanted and asked for,.... I retired from the world of studios and touring to be with her,.....I got a proper job,..... I used all the money earnt through music to buy a nice apartment for us by the water,.... furnished it top to bottom,.......gave her a dream white wedding in Florida,.......a move to a nicer house in a nicer area ( and hey,...you try finding one of those in Hull ! ),... she got holidays and weekends away, diamonds, pearls, and furs,...(she was pissed it was only a fake one tho' ! )....then we had a gorgeous baby boy,.....I was head over heels,....she wasn't....,..... she decides it wasn't enough,....she decides an old friend has more ( money, faster car , bigger house etc etc bitch bitch ) to offer, and off I go.,......back to the parents to re group and take stock and be served divorce papers for unreasonable behaviour ? If being unreasonable is letting her go off and have an affair and walk all over me,...then fine,....I'm guilty.
Oh,..... too much info,..I'm all wound up again,.... I only get wound up when she decides every so often to deny me access to Scalliwag Jnr. I'm fine,......really I am,......its over between us,..... she's not the person I knew....I've lost a lot of things and given up a lot of things thanks to the English law system,..... its all material and immaterial to me,...I dont mind,...shes welcome to the lot,....but whilst I've agreed to every demand she's made, and I'm desperately trying, and having to start all over again,...the one thing I will not give up on or lose is access to my son........ Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Phew,.....calmed down,......rant over,.....i can see me coming back and editing this before anyone gets chance to read this ! Never mind,....tomorrows another day,...and soon i'll remember how to start living life again. Be glad when all this is over and i can dot the 'i's and cross the 't's and move on properly.
Lets go play on other peoples comments !
ps Baby Scalliwag is adorable.
i MEAN that.

Awwwe...that made me so sad. You must be the sweetest guy ever! You'll move on, find someone who'll love you and your son, and be a happier man. I wish you the best of luck. Cheer up hunnay! And yes...if you find any gummy babies, that would be awesome! That's what my friend brought back from the UK for this girl. They were so tasty!