On his return to work this morning, he saw a rainbow.
T'was the 3rd day of the month, the sun had awoke and a rainbow was smiling as he rounded the corner. It couldn't detract from the day ahead but it was a welcoming change from the greyness that January had been shrouded in.
He did feel better and a little stronger, hence his return...
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T'was the 3rd day of the month, the sun had awoke and a rainbow was smiling as he rounded the corner. It couldn't detract from the day ahead but it was a welcoming change from the greyness that January had been shrouded in.
He did feel better and a little stronger, hence his return...
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It suddenly dawned upon him that he hadn't been feeling himself most recently.
From out of nowhere the Events of the past two years had finally appeared to catch him up.
Along with the swagger, the smile and the chirpy persona,...
the confidence, the protective arms of strength and the sarcastic wit he was known and loved for, had all but disapeared.
It just,.... wasn't,........
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From out of nowhere the Events of the past two years had finally appeared to catch him up.
Along with the swagger, the smile and the chirpy persona,...
the confidence, the protective arms of strength and the sarcastic wit he was known and loved for, had all but disapeared.
It just,.... wasn't,........
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Never too late. Chin up, Waggles. Maybe you need a holiday across the pond here. It might do you some good to smell some Friendly Foreign Air, drink some Strange Ale. Plenty of adventures to bed had over here. Hows about a trip to the desert of Arizona? The redwoods of California? Hell, New York City? Detroit?
They'd all love to see you. Whaddaya say? Percolate a little
Cheers, man! All is well out your door.
They'd all love to see you. Whaddaya say? Percolate a little

Cheers, man! All is well out your door.
Where ya been hiding daddyO
As it turned out,.......
Lady 2005 proved to be a fake.
T'was just a cruel cruel hoax played upon him.
When watered with Whiskey her true colours showed, and she took it upon herself to exchange her kisses with whom ever took her fancy.
"Couldn't be helped". It was a challenge she said as she apologised vainly after every time.
Luckily her gilt edged knife...
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Lady 2005 proved to be a fake.
T'was just a cruel cruel hoax played upon him.
When watered with Whiskey her true colours showed, and she took it upon herself to exchange her kisses with whom ever took her fancy.
"Couldn't be helped". It was a challenge she said as she apologised vainly after every time.
Luckily her gilt edged knife...
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I do agree.. she must truely suck.. And listen mister I am by far tough enough for a human punching bag
... not a Chelsea fan huh?.... hehehehehehe... we both hate the opposite sex right now.. its too bad

turns out she didn't deserve you. I'd love to see her cry.
as for the whiskey... elbows up!!
as for the whiskey... elbows up!!

So where was he ?
Ah yes,......
So the first week of the new year had been and gone and he still awaited signs of those life affirming changes to occur.
Ya' kno' those little passages of awakenings that come to the fore to stare you in the face and arouse ones feelings of guilt every January the 1st ?
Those things like excercise, healthy...
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Ah yes,......
So the first week of the new year had been and gone and he still awaited signs of those life affirming changes to occur.
Ya' kno' those little passages of awakenings that come to the fore to stare you in the face and arouse ones feelings of guilt every January the 1st ?
Those things like excercise, healthy...
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Can't be online long, but I shall comment!
1- Lpool NY= not a bad place to be, but it's where I've been for all but 4 years of my life. I hvae to be somewhere else. (it's not a bad little town, near a lake, which is awesome, and it's 5 min away from the city. Unfortunatly, that city is Syracuse, adn Syracuse kinda blows)
2- Maybe. some of these places might not be cities. but I'll give it a shot. London, Manchester, York, Crouch End, Liverpool, Birmingham, uhh, Leeds? and uhh, Portsmouth? uh... Crap. i can't. Eight isn't that bad for a yank with a New York State public education, is it?
3- HOLY SHIT, YES I WOULD !!! Holy crap! What kind of promo did you do for the film? That's wicked cool!
Will leave more substantial comment later. Take care Scali
1- Lpool NY= not a bad place to be, but it's where I've been for all but 4 years of my life. I hvae to be somewhere else. (it's not a bad little town, near a lake, which is awesome, and it's 5 min away from the city. Unfortunatly, that city is Syracuse, adn Syracuse kinda blows)
2- Maybe. some of these places might not be cities. but I'll give it a shot. London, Manchester, York, Crouch End, Liverpool, Birmingham, uhh, Leeds? and uhh, Portsmouth? uh... Crap. i can't. Eight isn't that bad for a yank with a New York State public education, is it?
3- HOLY SHIT, YES I WOULD !!! Holy crap! What kind of promo did you do for the film? That's wicked cool!
Will leave more substantial comment later. Take care Scali
As of right now I'm on a 4can a day habit. I have to email you the rest of L.S. There is so much more to it. As a matter of fact I do think I'm going to try to create it into a series of graphic novels. I just need to make some more money first. I already have the artist in mind as well.
Today, Lady 2005 asked him what he wanted from her this year,....
He thought out aloud,.....
" A smile and a laugh and a little warm sun,
someone to talk to just once in a while,
with a hug from her heart if something begun "
" to share time with her on those day's out and night's in,
discover her strengths, her charm and...
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He thought out aloud,.....
" A smile and a laugh and a little warm sun,
someone to talk to just once in a while,
with a hug from her heart if something begun "
" to share time with her on those day's out and night's in,
discover her strengths, her charm and...
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Actually, that seems realistic and very doable...
And on the Seventh day, the good lord said let there be life,..
or something like that,.........
7 days ago he sort of stopped the world to get off for a little while.
It wasn't intentional, it sort of just happened. He just seemed to drift over to the couch, sink down into its cushions and be drawn to staying there for the entire...
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And on the Seventh day, the good lord said let there be life,..
or something like that,.........
7 days ago he sort of stopped the world to get off for a little while.
It wasn't intentional, it sort of just happened. He just seemed to drift over to the couch, sink down into its cushions and be drawn to staying there for the entire...
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Can sympathise as I actually managed to sleep practically all the way through New Year's Day - must remember in future that drinking gin, vodka, tequila, beer, mulled wine and absinthe in one eight-hour session is NOT a good idea...
Hope the New Year's a good 'un dude.

Hope the New Year's a good 'un dude.

ha! well, something tells me you don't get much college American football coverage over there......
but it was still a good game
i still hate Texas and everything in it.
but it was still a good game

i still hate Texas and everything in it.
Well, he felt it all went rather peacefully and with out too much of a bang.
He renewed aquaintences, he re-ignited friendships and all appeared to be as one with the world once more.
Another new year beckoned he thought and another era was about to dawn.
This year, 2 zero zero 5 he really must do something worth while with his time, not to...
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He renewed aquaintences, he re-ignited friendships and all appeared to be as one with the world once more.
Another new year beckoned he thought and another era was about to dawn.
This year, 2 zero zero 5 he really must do something worth while with his time, not to...
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Monday the 27th of December,....
He made it. That was it for another year. He could let the future begin now.
Well sort of, let me Explain,.......
Xmas was a little boring to say the least. He went to the parents on Christmas Day to do the dutifull visiting.
He had lunch, washed the pots, took their dog for a walk, then when they fell...
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i am so happy to hear that you and Joshie-woshie had a good time, however short (and bittersweet).
i could have told you (without knowing you and your situation all that well) that he not only wants but still needs you around. every young lad needs their dad...especially if they have a bitch for a mum!
i too braved the streets of consumerism the day after Xmas...so NOT a good idea. i almost punched out some "lady" for being extremely rude to the bedraggled and over-worked shop attendant. not cool.
anyway...hope you have a LOVELY evening (wink wink nudge nudge knowhatahmean knowhatahmean) and i'll email you soon, dear!
i could have told you (without knowing you and your situation all that well) that he not only wants but still needs you around. every young lad needs their dad...especially if they have a bitch for a mum!

i too braved the streets of consumerism the day after Xmas...so NOT a good idea. i almost punched out some "lady" for being extremely rude to the bedraggled and over-worked shop attendant. not cool.
anyway...hope you have a LOVELY evening (wink wink nudge nudge knowhatahmean knowhatahmean) and i'll email you soon, dear!

AH, brainwashing. You know that stuff only takes when there
aren't any outside influences and they tend to backfire if the
washer isn't very good. If all he hears from your ex is bitching and all he has with you is fun then who do you think he's gonna want to be around??? I'd take a kick to the groin any day over a bitter person.
Beware of mysterious last minute illnesses, unless there
is proof that is. I recommend a hospital bracelet or yellowish spots where anticeptic was put on to draw blood. Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't screwing with you
aren't any outside influences and they tend to backfire if the
washer isn't very good. If all he hears from your ex is bitching and all he has with you is fun then who do you think he's gonna want to be around??? I'd take a kick to the groin any day over a bitter person.
Beware of mysterious last minute illnesses, unless there
is proof that is. I recommend a hospital bracelet or yellowish spots where anticeptic was put on to draw blood. Just because your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't screwing with you

One more day of Festive anguish to go, and it can all be put aside for yet another year.
Anyhow, a question, what has been your favourite Christmas ever ?
He has two,....
the first many many moons ago and his first real sweet heart. The first Christmas with somebody he really relly fell for.
Joey was her name and she lived outside the City...
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Anyhow, a question, what has been your favourite Christmas ever ?
He has two,....
the first many many moons ago and his first real sweet heart. The first Christmas with somebody he really relly fell for.
Joey was her name and she lived outside the City...
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hi-lo! howdy and all o' that!
Sandy was especially nice to a rotten liddle pirate such as myself.
how was he to you? any time with young Master Jr yet? did you have your singles Chrimbo?
dont be too sad on such a lovely holiday. know that you have people that love and care for you no matter what. send me your home address (again) so i may send you some American holiday cheer.
and if Sandy Claws wasn't good too you, i'll kidnap his reigndeer and give him a sharp kick in the nads for you.
Sandy was especially nice to a rotten liddle pirate such as myself.
how was he to you? any time with young Master Jr yet? did you have your singles Chrimbo?
dont be too sad on such a lovely holiday. know that you have people that love and care for you no matter what. send me your home address (again) so i may send you some American holiday cheer.
and if Sandy Claws wasn't good too you, i'll kidnap his reigndeer and give him a sharp kick in the nads for you.
Cheers for the comment dude. All my Xmases seem to just merge into one to be honest - as far as I'm concerned, it's all time off and therefore all good!
Hope you had a good 'un mate, speak soon.

Hope you had a good 'un mate, speak soon.

Oh God,
It's started, two weeks to go and they're requesting Christmas Songs. Why damnit, Why ?
It's started, two weeks to go and they're requesting Christmas Songs. Why damnit, Why ?
If they're requesting "Fairytale of New York" or "Oi Santa" by the UK Subs then this is a good thing
. If they're requesting Band Aid or John Lennon then this is a very very very bad thing. 

how about that Kinks song?
Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
Father christmas, give us some money
We got no time for your silly toys
Well beat you up if you dont hand it over
Give all the toys to the little rich boys
I look around and every one else seems to have really interestin' things goin' on or have somethin' really excitin' to say,....
me,..... i've got nowt interestin' goin' on or excitin' to say.
Must be the time of year ? I always get this urge to go all "Scrooge" like and Bah Humbug everybody !
I hide away from the mad Christmas Shopers then stomp...
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me,..... i've got nowt interestin' goin' on or excitin' to say.
Must be the time of year ? I always get this urge to go all "Scrooge" like and Bah Humbug everybody !
I hide away from the mad Christmas Shopers then stomp...
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Ahh! A fellow Scrooge! Lets both raise a trans-atlantic glass and drink to Holiday-grumpiness!
: clink! :
: clink! :
Cheers for the comment dude. My advice would be to go all "Shaun of the Dead" and take a cricket bat to swing at any shoppers that get in your way!! 

Now then, here we go again !
I've had so many problems with p.c. access in the last couple of months, what with bugs and virus's, adware, spyware, underwear god knows what wear and firewall things at work that prevent me getting anywhere near here, its been a total nightmare.
However, touch wood and with a little help from a claw hammer, dentists drill and...
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I've had so many problems with p.c. access in the last couple of months, what with bugs and virus's, adware, spyware, underwear god knows what wear and firewall things at work that prevent me getting anywhere near here, its been a total nightmare.
However, touch wood and with a little help from a claw hammer, dentists drill and...
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I came back too, let's be friends again

Hello! I was away in the lovely Cincinatti for Thanksgiving this year. Drank more bourbon that I'd care to admit. Ate even more than that!
Glad to have you back!! Good luck with the computer, man. Perhaps it's time to go Mac??
Glad to have you back!! Good luck with the computer, man. Perhaps it's time to go Mac??

Junior... how old is he now?