[ Current Mood ] bored/anxious/depressed/lonely/tired/buzzed/angsty
[ Current Music ] Joy Division (yes it's really THAT bad)
[ Current Taste ] um, remnants of sambuca soaked fruit
[ Current Hair ] disheveled
[ Current Annoyance ] i'm stuck somewhere between hell and Satan's asshole
[ Current Smell ] the blanket that was in my car for like a year (very rustic)
[ Current Favorite Artist ] none
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Spence, Jen, Katie and myself
[ Current Favorite Group ] none
[ Current Book you're reading ] none
[ Current CD in CD Player] in my computers cd player? i have Heroes of Might and Magic Millenium Edition in one and the movie Swing Kids in the other.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] uh toenail colored
[ Current Refreshment ] *considers drinking more*
[ Current Worry ] my lack of a job/ life in general
[ You Touched ] myself (yes, in a very naughty way)
[ You Talked to ] Ver
[ You Hugged ] Ver
[ You Instant messaged ] Robert
[ You Yelled At ] some jerkoff who almost ran Ver and I over while we were crossing the street
[ Food ] does alcohol count? If not then it would be a tie between pineapple and tofu
[ Drink ] White Russians, but since I'm vegan now I guess chocolate soy milk
[ Color ] black,red
[ Album ] Cocksparrer- Shock Troops
[ Shoes ] my hemp Circa's (they are pretty nifty)
[ Candy ] ginger chews
[ Animal ] turtles
[ Movie ] probably 187 but that is a tough question
[ Song ] Love will tear us apart
[ Vegetable ] bell pepper (green)
[ Fruit ] mmmmm...pineapple
[ Understanding ] more than average...
[ Open-minded ] certainly
[ Arrogant ] only false pride
[ Insecure ] very
[ Interesting ] more than anyone you know
[ Random ] buttfuck...hah! see, that's how random I am
[ Hungry ] like hungry eyes or like for sustenance? the latter, not really
[ Friendly ] yup
[ Smart ] i caught steven hawking in my logic trap
[ Moody ] possibly....
[ Childish ] if you knew me you wouldn't even need to ask
[ Independent ] yes ( and not like the shitty skateboard truck company)
[ Hard working ] are you trying to ask if i work hard for the money? Because the answer is yes
[ Organized ] never
[ Emotionally Stable ] not really
[ Difficult ] like tecmo football
[ Attractive ] only to helen keller
[ Bored Easily ] obviously. No, acutally i told all these hot chicks to piss off because i REALLY wanted to fill this out.
[ Messy ]yup
[ Thirsty ] yeah
[ Responsible ] rarely
[ Obsessed ] only sometimes
[ Angry ] occasionally
[ Sad ] just a tad
[ Happy ] even when it's not appropriate
[ Hyper ] yup
[ Trusting ] too much probably
[ Talkative ] yup yup
[ Kill ]no one
[ Slap ] the doctor
[ Get Really Wasted With ] Cyndy,Robert and Ver
[ Get High With ]i don't do that *wink wink*
[ Look Like] christian bale (in American Psycho...I love that movie)
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] robert or peter griffin, but since robert actually exists he wins
[makes you smile] Ver
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] wow, thats non-descript... i assume this is alluding to "liking" somone so Ver gets this one
[who do you have a crush on?] it's a secret *te he*
[has a crush on u?]no one
[is easiest to talk to] myself
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] no
[save aol/aim conversations] nope
[Wish u were a member of the opposite sexs] no.....
[cried because of someone saying something to you] no..... </shiftyeyes>
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] yup
[been rejected] constantly
[rejected someone] yeah
[used someone] yeah...
[been cheated on] i'm just about the expert on that topic
[done something you regret] only once
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]nope
[obsessive] yes
[Cut yourself with objects ((i.e. glass)) no.thats dumb.....*glances around shifty eyed*
[could u live without the computer?] yup
[color ur hair] not anymore
[ever get off the damn computer] no...
[habla espanol] el diablo es muy frio en el bano
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 18
[drink alchohol?] constantly
[like watching sunrises or sunset]sunsets
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain] emotional
-N U M B E R-
[of times I have had my heart broken? ] not counting
[of hearts have broken? ]all the time baby , i just string em along then i break their hearts
of cd's that I own?: more than i care to count (thats not saying much though, i'm really lazy so it could be five or five million)
of scars on my body?: 4
of things in my past that I regret?: one
I KNOW: what you are thinking
I WANT: you to want me , i need you to need me
I HAVE: too much time on my hands
I WISH: i had a job/life/car (that works)
I HATE: people that hate
I FEAR: no beer....DUUURRRRRR...... High five D-bones *does the jock hug thingy*
I HEAR: my heart breaking
I SEARCH: though lots of pornos trying to find that damn chicken fucker movie....you know the one i'm talking about...
I WONDER: what's next
I REGRET: nothing
I LOVE: me and Ver (only sometimes)
I ACHE: in my shoulder region
I CARE: about you
I ALWAYS: come through in the end
I AM NOT: noticed
I DANCE: alone, in my apartment... it's a veretable one man moshpit
I SING: all the time, especially when i have my head phones on when i am on the bus, and then, when people look at me funny i just make up lyrics about destruction, murder, rape or some other nefarious deed even if i am listening to steve miller band.
I CRY: when i listen to The Cure
I DO NOT ALWAYS: get the girl
I FIGHT:girls (this gets more true every year)
I WRITE:bad, angsty poetry (but really, who on xanga doesn't)
I LISTEN: to e-v-e-r-y word
I NEED: a job
I AM HAPPY: when i want to be
[ Current Music ] Joy Division (yes it's really THAT bad)
[ Current Taste ] um, remnants of sambuca soaked fruit
[ Current Hair ] disheveled
[ Current Annoyance ] i'm stuck somewhere between hell and Satan's asshole
[ Current Smell ] the blanket that was in my car for like a year (very rustic)
[ Current Favorite Artist ] none
[ Current Desktop Picture ] Spence, Jen, Katie and myself
[ Current Favorite Group ] none
[ Current Book you're reading ] none
[ Current CD in CD Player] in my computers cd player? i have Heroes of Might and Magic Millenium Edition in one and the movie Swing Kids in the other.
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] uh toenail colored
[ Current Refreshment ] *considers drinking more*
[ Current Worry ] my lack of a job/ life in general
[ You Touched ] myself (yes, in a very naughty way)
[ You Talked to ] Ver
[ You Hugged ] Ver
[ You Instant messaged ] Robert
[ You Yelled At ] some jerkoff who almost ran Ver and I over while we were crossing the street
[ Food ] does alcohol count? If not then it would be a tie between pineapple and tofu
[ Drink ] White Russians, but since I'm vegan now I guess chocolate soy milk
[ Color ] black,red
[ Album ] Cocksparrer- Shock Troops
[ Shoes ] my hemp Circa's (they are pretty nifty)
[ Candy ] ginger chews
[ Animal ] turtles
[ Movie ] probably 187 but that is a tough question
[ Song ] Love will tear us apart
[ Vegetable ] bell pepper (green)
[ Fruit ] mmmmm...pineapple
[ Understanding ] more than average...
[ Open-minded ] certainly
[ Arrogant ] only false pride
[ Insecure ] very
[ Interesting ] more than anyone you know
[ Random ] buttfuck...hah! see, that's how random I am
[ Hungry ] like hungry eyes or like for sustenance? the latter, not really
[ Friendly ] yup
[ Smart ] i caught steven hawking in my logic trap
[ Moody ] possibly....
[ Childish ] if you knew me you wouldn't even need to ask
[ Independent ] yes ( and not like the shitty skateboard truck company)
[ Hard working ] are you trying to ask if i work hard for the money? Because the answer is yes
[ Organized ] never
[ Emotionally Stable ] not really
[ Difficult ] like tecmo football
[ Attractive ] only to helen keller
[ Bored Easily ] obviously. No, acutally i told all these hot chicks to piss off because i REALLY wanted to fill this out.
[ Messy ]yup
[ Thirsty ] yeah
[ Responsible ] rarely
[ Obsessed ] only sometimes
[ Angry ] occasionally
[ Sad ] just a tad
[ Happy ] even when it's not appropriate
[ Hyper ] yup
[ Trusting ] too much probably
[ Talkative ] yup yup
[ Kill ]no one
[ Slap ] the doctor
[ Get Really Wasted With ] Cyndy,Robert and Ver
[ Get High With ]i don't do that *wink wink*
[ Look Like] christian bale (in American Psycho...I love that movie)
-W H O-
[makes u laugh the most?] robert or peter griffin, but since robert actually exists he wins
[makes you smile] Ver
[gives u a funny feeling when u see them] wow, thats non-descript... i assume this is alluding to "liking" somone so Ver gets this one
[who do you have a crush on?] it's a secret *te he*
[has a crush on u?]no one
[is easiest to talk to] myself
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all night waiting for someone special to I.M. you?] no
[save aol/aim conversations] nope
[Wish u were a member of the opposite sexs] no.....
[cried because of someone saying something to you] no..... </shiftyeyes>
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend] yup
[been rejected] constantly
[rejected someone] yeah
[used someone] yeah...
[been cheated on] i'm just about the expert on that topic
[done something you regret] only once
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]nope
[obsessive] yes
[Cut yourself with objects ((i.e. glass)) no.thats dumb.....*glances around shifty eyed*
[could u live without the computer?] yup
[color ur hair] not anymore
[ever get off the damn computer] no...
[habla espanol] el diablo es muy frio en el bano
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?] 18
[drink alchohol?] constantly
[like watching sunrises or sunset]sunsets
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain] emotional
-N U M B E R-
[of times I have had my heart broken? ] not counting
[of hearts have broken? ]all the time baby , i just string em along then i break their hearts
of cd's that I own?: more than i care to count (thats not saying much though, i'm really lazy so it could be five or five million)
of scars on my body?: 4
of things in my past that I regret?: one
I KNOW: what you are thinking
I WANT: you to want me , i need you to need me
I HAVE: too much time on my hands
I WISH: i had a job/life/car (that works)
I HATE: people that hate
I FEAR: no beer....DUUURRRRRR...... High five D-bones *does the jock hug thingy*
I HEAR: my heart breaking
I SEARCH: though lots of pornos trying to find that damn chicken fucker movie....you know the one i'm talking about...
I WONDER: what's next
I REGRET: nothing
I LOVE: me and Ver (only sometimes)
I ACHE: in my shoulder region
I CARE: about you
I ALWAYS: come through in the end
I AM NOT: noticed
I DANCE: alone, in my apartment... it's a veretable one man moshpit
I SING: all the time, especially when i have my head phones on when i am on the bus, and then, when people look at me funny i just make up lyrics about destruction, murder, rape or some other nefarious deed even if i am listening to steve miller band.
I CRY: when i listen to The Cure
I DO NOT ALWAYS: get the girl
I FIGHT:girls (this gets more true every year)
I WRITE:bad, angsty poetry (but really, who on xanga doesn't)
I LISTEN: to e-v-e-r-y word
I NEED: a job
I AM HAPPY: when i want to be