[ Current Mood ] bored/anxious/depressed/lonely/tired/buzzed/angsty

[ Current Music ] Joy Division (yes it's really THAT bad)

[ Current Taste ] um, remnants of sambuca soaked fruit

[ Current Hair ] disheveled

[ Current Annoyance ] i'm stuck somewhere between hell and Satan's asshole

[ Current Smell ] the blanket that was in my car for like a year (very rustic)

[ Current Favorite Artist ]...
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"Drunkness goeth before the fall" - Me

Man, what a crazy month, allow me to elaborate. So I finished ousesitting out in Scottsdale and now I'm back in my favorite place, downtown PHX. So, I went to pick up my gf out in cali. Long goodbyes and lots of tears later here we are out in Phoenix. Here is where it starts getting sticky.

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Hey there, Timothy.

You don't know me. I am new to the site and I am just dropping notes on all the Arizona SG kids I can find. Sounds like a very tense few weeks you had there. But you know what else, it also sounds like you are better off without the girlie. I mean, I don't know her so I am not going to put her down, but you know, some pairings just aren't meant to happen. Anyway, I'm glad things worked out good in the end for ya. Talk to you later.
robot Yaarg.. Okay here goes a condensed version of the past 2 weeks, not because I am in a rush or trying to save space but I only remember the condensed version...Okay so first, to preface this adventure, I am house sitting for someone very influential in the company for whom I work. Last Friday my buddy G-Unit has a party at his house out in...
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Ahahaha... sounds like good times, I'm very sad I'm missing it...
tim you truly are a party animal
Woo....I found the BIGGEST bottle of Jaggermeister ever. My GF challenged me to drink all of it in the 3 nights I am here. It is 1.75 liters! So I have been drinking Jagger bombers all night and I am fucking tanked :-) weee..... skull
TIMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I miss you terribly... Put me on your list of things you cant live without or I'll slit your throat haha... xoxoxox
Hey you faggoty fox, how about updating once in a while. Yeah, Herrera got 86d from Disney property