Breaking up with my live in girlfriend of 3 years... I need my space but damn it's still hard to do when you've been attached at the hip for so long. Ugh... slight depression and heart ache setting in...
And to add to the shit... I am too damn shy when it comes to asking girls out... and I feel ugly sometimes and freakish. What...
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And to add to the shit... I am too damn shy when it comes to asking girls out... and I feel ugly sometimes and freakish. What...
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happy birthday!
Happy Birthday mr.buff guy

The weather is taking a serious turn for the better. NYC's feeling really good right about now. Funny... the birds are a chirpin... the bee's are starting to buzz... and I must say I am freakin horny these past couple of weeks... Ugh! How much masturbation can one guy abuse himself with? Have had to remove the 00 pa to allow my helmet to recupe......
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It's tiring dealing with people who give the appearance of being God fearing and holier than though when behind all their religious fanatacism they hide insecurity, bigotry, pesimism, deceit and cunning. As I mature I can see right through them.
God has blessed us all with life. Wouldn't it be nice if we all acted like it. I'm not perfect... but I know who I...
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God has blessed us all with life. Wouldn't it be nice if we all acted like it. I'm not perfect... but I know who I...
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Christ...I can't get over your 00g cock piercing!
How can people preach to love, but really, they hat people who do not share their beliefs? Grrrr...
I've got a great career and I make enough money to do what I need. I'm stable. But being a freak always causes the desire to be more a freak. I've been working hard on creating myself into this what ever I am... so what the hell does one do with it other than occassionaly flashing mere mortals with pure fantasy by exposing peices of...
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Awesome entry and I am not gay ah! 

On a weight gaining mission and it is more fucked up than one might think. Why the hell would you want to gain weight do you say? Because... I am weird. Not just any weight, not fat weight. Muscle. I have one year to train, improve, get bigger and fuller before I step on a National competition stage to tear shit up. I've put on...
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what's up beast?!?!
Thank you for your advice... but I do know all of this. I was just venting and stuff... but ya. I know I know I know... however I do need money to make payments. And I just can't get myself off at all by myself... I dunno. It sucks. Today sucks. EMO EMO EMO EMO EMO 

I've had a sucky cold and have been slightly feverish and a tad achey. No energy to train. And didn't feel well enough to tat my cock any further over the weekend. I plan on doing more this weekend and then I'll post a couple of pics on my progress for anyone interested. I did about a 1/2 hour 2 weeks ago... before that it...
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I've been sick and hurt my back and got sick again, its been since mid jan since I've worked out, you wanna talk about feeling fat, I'm a mess.

I just think it's really cheesy and creepy to have paintings of him and statues all over my house...I went to catholic i just have to make light of the whole jc thing...
Got that groin work done. Lasted about a 1/2 hour. That = only about an inch and a half of solid black on the top of my shaft and scrotum. At first it wasn't that painful. But once you start wiping and going over and over with the needle... needless to say it burns... and swells... ugh. After the pain got too much we...
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Got that groin work done. Lasted about a 1/2 hour. That = only about an inch and a half of solid black on the top of my shaft and scrotum. At first it wasn't that painful. But once you start wiping and going over and over with the needle... needless to say it burns... and swells... ugh. After the pain got too much we...
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Will you be posting pics of the new work? Since I'm a woman, I couldn't even imagine the pain, but from what I hear about pain in the male genitalia, all I can say is OMG!!!

my fav pics
This weekend I am going to get some ink work on my groin... ugh.
Don't know how much time I'll be able to endure. We'll see. The plan is to eventually tattoo my scrotum and shaft up to the head solid black. The head will not be tattooed but will have its 00 ring... how heavy duty is that?? I'll also begin designing massive 2...
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WOW! I've never seen a mans "parts" pierced in person. I've been with my husband for a long time and it just wasn't as popular 10 years ago. I think if I was in the postion of the girls who'd seen it my eyes would probally bug out. LOL.
Nice set on Suicideboys- very nice

1st set
First time out... too bad I suck at uploading photos...
Hi, welcome to SG. I loved looking at your SB pics! I don't usually get on there, but I'm glad I came across your set.
Anyway, your love life situation sounds like most people I talk to who are single. Each relationship is more advanced, but harder to find common ground and committment. I'm so thankful that I'm not in the dating world! I don't think I would be able to handle it.
Anyway, your love life situation sounds like most people I talk to who are single. Each relationship is more advanced, but harder to find common ground and committment. I'm so thankful that I'm not in the dating world! I don't think I would be able to handle it.
