Well, imagine that, Mathew is back on SG! Woohoo 
yippykay-yay motherfucker and all that jazz!
And.... nothing has happened in the world... at all.
I got my SG merch just as my subscription expired, which was super lovely, oh
and what merch it is!
I might be going to england for a little bit next year, yes, another south african
going to London. super lame. but at least I'm not staying there, thank fucking
My sister and I have been super friendly lately... strange world. honestly I enjoy it super much though...

Chloe has just finished her set, hopefully it will be up soon!
I'm adament to shoot her next set, i will Goddamnit!

yippykay-yay motherfucker and all that jazz!
And.... nothing has happened in the world... at all.
I got my SG merch just as my subscription expired, which was super lovely, oh
and what merch it is!
I might be going to england for a little bit next year, yes, another south african
going to London. super lame. but at least I'm not staying there, thank fucking
My sister and I have been super friendly lately... strange world. honestly I enjoy it super much though...

Chloe has just finished her set, hopefully it will be up soon!
I'm adament to shoot her next set, i will Goddamnit!
Cheerio my lovelies!
PS: 9 days of school left
PPS: I'm getting my doggie soon (hopefully!)
Yeah, you're allowed to hate her. most people do, but I think they're fucking lovely
BTW, if you'd like to join our SuicideGirls South Africa group, just put in a request & I'll sign you up
Tell me more about you:
1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these questions there soon ...