Holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! My fuck, it could not have come at a better time.
11254 words, 53 pages, and two hours sleep in the past 72 hours. I am dead.
I was really looking forward to Death of Pop this weekend, but alas, I am being sent to durban for
the weekend, to be with my terribly apathetic aunt.
I have very little to say really, so I hope you will simply settle for another pic or two of the ever glorious Sarah.

11254 words, 53 pages, and two hours sleep in the past 72 hours. I am dead.
I was really looking forward to Death of Pop this weekend, but alas, I am being sent to durban for
the weekend, to be with my terribly apathetic aunt.
I have very little to say really, so I hope you will simply settle for another pic or two of the ever glorious Sarah.