It's all over, school, exams, and life as I've known it for... a long time. its over.
I've got a job... I've got an apartment.
I didnt get a car for my birthday, but I did get:
a pair of CDJ-200's
an Ecler NUO3 mixer
a 20" monitor for my puter
a collective R900 towards my new ink
a kiss (lol)
a fuck...
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It's all over, school, exams, and life as I've known it for... a long time. its over.
I've got a job... I've got an apartment.
I didnt get a car for my birthday, but I did get:
a pair of CDJ-200's
an Ecler NUO3 mixer
a 20" monitor for my puter
a collective R900 towards my new ink
a kiss (lol)
a fuck...
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gosh, I really dont update this thinger too much... odd... perhaps I should just copy my livejournal entries into here? Though those can be quite whiney sometimes, so I cant see that going down too well.
I had a haircut today... Not pleased in the slightest. in the slightest!!! Fuck shit poes naai kont.
Ok, fuck, I'm going to drown my sorrows... or smoke...
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Nothing like swearing in Afrikaans, hey?
Gosh, I havent actually written a new entry in a month, which is odd, as I used to blog twice thrice a day, about random rubbish, but it was nice.
Holidays have started, exams were lovely, dayum I love SG (In this case Standard Grade) though I suppose I get frowned upon by all them other higher grade cats, oh well

I have a new...
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sounds like all is good in cape town.oh, i wanna come back there
nice new profile pic!

nice new profile pic!
There is definitely something uncannily Marilyn Manson'ish about you, my boy
In fact, I reckon you could get a job as his official decoy. Hmm, imagine having the luscious Dita Von Teese draped on your arm everywhere you went...or a very close lookalike at the very least

Well, imagine that, Mathew is back on SG! Woohoo 
yippykay-yay motherfucker and all that jazz!
And.... nothing has happened in the world... at all.
I got my SG merch just as my subscription expired, which was super lovely, oh
and what merch it is!
I might be going to england for a little bit next year, yes, another south african
going to London. super lame....
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yippykay-yay motherfucker and all that jazz!
And.... nothing has happened in the world... at all.
I got my SG merch just as my subscription expired, which was super lovely, oh
and what merch it is!
I might be going to england for a little bit next year, yes, another south african
going to London. super lame....
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Welcome back, Matt!! I, too, took a leave of absence for a few weeks, but by some twist of fate have found myself right back where I started
BTW, if you'd like to join our SuicideGirls South Africa group, just put in a request & I'll sign you up

BTW, if you'd like to join our SuicideGirls South Africa group, just put in a request & I'll sign you up

Awh! What a beautiful Pomeranian!
Tell me more about you:
1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these questions there soon ...
Tell me more about you:
1. What's your sexual orientation? Straight / Bi / Gay
2. Do you drink alcohol?
3. If yes, what's your favourite drink?
4. What's your favourite after-hours activity or hobby?
5. What job did you want to do as a child?
6. Do you have pets?
7. If yes, what?
8. Do you prefer savoury or sweet?
If you check out my blog you will find my own answers to these questions there soon ...
Yay!! I go away for a couple of days, come back with some lovely shots, AND my sister is in a good mood, AND my SG stuff arrived! woo! woo! Wooooooooo!
They're all so lovely, every little bit!
I ordered:
Some Buttons
some clear SG stickers
some super Star Stickers
A Blackheart Retrospective CD
A Necklace
A Belt Buckle
and a girl's and boy's hoodie!...
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They're all so lovely, every little bit!
I ordered:
Some Buttons
some clear SG stickers
some super Star Stickers
A Blackheart Retrospective CD
A Necklace
A Belt Buckle
and a girl's and boy's hoodie!...
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I just read from Osaka's blog that you'll be shooting some sg sets and we will hopefully have more SA suicidegirls soon,yay!
My friend in the pic has been very happy about all the comments, I think she will apply very soon
My friend in the pic has been very happy about all the comments, I think she will apply very soon

Nice pictures ... How are you doing?
Holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! My fuck, it could not have come at a better time.
11254 words, 53 pages, and two hours sleep in the past 72 hours. I am dead.
I was really looking forward to Death of Pop this weekend, but alas, I am being sent to durban for
the weekend, to be with my terribly apathetic aunt.
I have very little to say really, so...
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11254 words, 53 pages, and two hours sleep in the past 72 hours. I am dead.
I was really looking forward to Death of Pop this weekend, but alas, I am being sent to durban for
the weekend, to be with my terribly apathetic aunt.
I have very little to say really, so...
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Oh dear, Sundays. I've never really been a fan of Sundays personally, they always seem so...bleh. Strange thing, i've never noticed a non-sunny sunday around my house. Happy Clappies could see it as something biblical, I just find it quite annoying.
In more interesting news (to myself anyway) I somehow managed to chance upon the precious information telling me my love interest loves me back!...
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Glad to hear you now know for sure that your love interest loves you back! That's so cool
Don't know anyone else who calls them "Happy Clappies" - I LOVE it!! You've just taken me back 25 years
When I was just a little poppet, we often used to go visit my grandparents in East London in the Eastern Cape during school holidays. They used to live across the road from a place that started with these weird "Happy Clappy" gatherings in the early 80s - if I'm not mistaken it was actually the start of the multimillion-rand operation that has become Rhema Ministeries as we know it today.
Raised in a family of decidedly NON-charismatic Methodists, I distinctly remember my grandparents & my parents frowning upon these disgustingly overt "happy clappies" that now disrupted their peaceful Sunday mornings with their "disco style" worship
Back then, former bodybuilder turned man of God, Pastor Ray McCauley, & his menu of fast-food spirituality were akin - in their minds anyway - to the infamous Lolly Jackson & his empire of Teazers stripclubs we see mushrooming across sunny suburbia today
Hope you have a fab week!!

Don't know anyone else who calls them "Happy Clappies" - I LOVE it!! You've just taken me back 25 years

Raised in a family of decidedly NON-charismatic Methodists, I distinctly remember my grandparents & my parents frowning upon these disgustingly overt "happy clappies" that now disrupted their peaceful Sunday mornings with their "disco style" worship

Hope you have a fab week!!

happy for you
great to hear that she loves you back!She is pretty
I wait for that day when that really happens to me...should not go dating irresponsible bar managers..
When Im in Finland I seriously dont like sundays, such blah days but here's lot more to do so sundays dont feel so blah.

When Im in Finland I seriously dont like sundays, such blah days but here's lot more to do so sundays dont feel so blah.
I like your pics!
the banner looks great- some of those photos are fantastic
Good luck for the exams, mate!! My husband is a BEEG fan of the Mitsubishi Evo

Congrats on the job, & the pozzie!!
Sounds like you were damn spoilt on your birthday, lucky boy
Your sis is lovely. Best you keep her away from the likes of me - lest I corrupt her sweet little mind
At the risk of sounding like a gran - please make sure your g/f is on the Pill. I've just seen too many "mistakes" amongst friends & family over the years to trust condoms alone