wow, I go away for a few days, and you people have gone and changed everything! just typical I tell you, pfff.
Nay, I jest, this website has (amazingly) just gotten better! Yes! I didn't think it were possible either.
Exams at the moment, so that sucks, but I've stopped feeling so ill, so I can smoke again, which doesnt make me 'happy' per se',...
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Exams at the moment, so that sucks, but I've stopped feeling so ill, so I can smoke again, which doesnt make me 'happy' per se',...
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Christ, it's been a very long while since I've felt this ill, hell, I think last time I felt like this I was thirteen.
Fucking flu. I'm sweating, I have a headache, I havent eaten in two days, the only things I can drink are Coke, water and Milo. Yum. I love milo.

Damn you cape town, with your temermental weather and flu-infected air.!...
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I have to say this flu was a mother fucker ... My lungs still suffer ... It would help if I would quit smoking though

Greetings !
Milo is singularly the best conforting drink in the world. I love MILO!!
I was born in South Africa, I laughed at your comment in the photographers group. It usually takes a little while to get the new picture up.
Sorry that you are sick, that really sukks. Must be a harsh winter. Marisa has been ill as well, as she mentioned right above me. She is right wuitting smoking would speed the healing process.
Drink some Rooiboos and get better k?
Milo is singularly the best conforting drink in the world. I love MILO!!
I was born in South Africa, I laughed at your comment in the photographers group. It usually takes a little while to get the new picture up.
Sorry that you are sick, that really sukks. Must be a harsh winter. Marisa has been ill as well, as she mentioned right above me. She is right wuitting smoking would speed the healing process.
Drink some Rooiboos and get better k?

Aaah, a nice refreshing day off.
I think not aye? Although it should have been nice and refreshing, it seemd not to be, woke up at 1pm, and felt very ill. fuck.
Internet was painfully slow as well, so I couldn't upload prints onto deviantART either, no new music came in, and I ran out of cigarettes, twice.
First time I was lucky enough to...
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who me?

thanks a lot for your comment on my debut set
you're very nice!!

you're very nice!!

Thank Jesus for public holidays! It really couldnt have come at a better time, although, alas, I am without any mode of transport (except for dodgy taxis without steering wheels (no, I shit you not))
so, tonight will be a nice, quiet night.
Today was the first day in a while without rain, so a mate and I went for a walk on the mountain,...
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so, tonight will be a nice, quiet night.
Today was the first day in a while without rain, so a mate and I went for a walk on the mountain,...
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where abouts in CT do u live?
fuck has kinder finaly found its way to south africa