I can't even think right now. Boogie is at the vet. I got off early to take her because when I got home yesterday she seemed sick. Her temp is 106.something and they don't know what is wrong. Even though she has been vaccinated they tested her for feline leukemia and that was negative and something else. $160+ later and we still are at a loss. They asked to keep her overnight to start her on antibiotics and do a QBC. They also want to do an abdominal xray and I don't know what else. I explained that I am not rich but she is my child and I will do whatever it takes. I'm not shitting about that, I will max out credit cards (which I ALWAYS pay off monthly) and sell shit to keep her healthy. Everyone, right now, IPetInsurance, I considered it 2 weeks ago, decided she didn't need it and now regret it.
I miss my kitty.
I miss my kitty.

um sure, ya okay???
thats good she comes home, hope she is doing well and it didn't cost you an arm and a leg.